On 08/24/2015 11:51 AM, Anne Gentle wrote:
Hi all,

I'm writing to find out how teams keep API sample requests and responses
up-to-date. I know the nova team has a sample generator [1] that they've
maintained for a few years now. Do other teams have something similar?
If so, is your approach like the nova one?

sahara keeps examples for some of it's calls in our repo, although they are not a full example of all calls. these have all been hand-crafted, and could use some updating to add examples for the missing calls.

we are currently evaluating a new major version for our api[1], and are talking about creating an api directory in our specs repo to have more up-to-date samples, and a descriptive explanation, of our api. i'm guessing that initially these examples will be hand-crafted.


[1]: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/212172/

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