
I'm porting Cinder to Python 3. There are discussions on my patches to decide how to link my changes to the cinder-python3 blueprint (syntax of the "Blueprint cinder-python3" line).

Mike Perez completed the blueprint on 2015-08-15. I don't understand why, the port is incomplete. I'm still writing patches to continue the port.

Because the blueprint is completed, launchpad is unable to find the blueprint when you click on the blueprint line from gerrit. Some people asked me to write the URL to the blueprint instead. The problem is that "git review" uses the topic "bp/https" instead of "bp/cinder-python3" in this case. I have to specify manually the topic ("git review -t bp/cinder-python3). The URL may also change in the future, using a name is more future proof.

Another question is how to mention the blueprint in the commit message. I already wrote 35 changes which were merged into Cinder using the syntax "Blueprint cinder-python3". But some people are now asking me to use the syntax "Implements: blueprint cinder-python3", "Partially implements: blueprint cinder-python3", "Implements: blueprint <link>" or something else.

I suggest to continue to use "Blueprint cinder-python3", and maybe change the status of the blueprint to be able to find it again in launchpad.

cinder-python3 blueprint:

My Python 3 patches for Cinder:

Note: I wrote an email because people started to vote -1 on my changes because of the syntax of the "blueprint" line in my commit message.


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