On 09/04/2015 10:40 AM, Ethan Gafford wrote:
Hello all,

I request a FFE for the change at: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209683/

This change enables a significant improvement to UX in Sahara's elastic data 
processing flow which is already in the server and client layers of Sahara. 
Because it specifically aims at improving ease of use and comprehensibility, 
Horizon integration is critical to the success of the feature. The change 
itself is reasonably modular and thus low-risk; it will have no impact outside 
Sahara's job template creation and launch flow, and (failing unforseen issues) 
no impact to users of the existing flow who choose not to use this feature.

Thank you,

+1 from me, this feature has received much attention and seems pretty low-risk of introducing critical errors.


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