On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 2:34 AM, Derek Higgins <der...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> The patch to reshuffle our CI jobs has merged[1], along with the patch to
> switch the f21-noha job to be instack based[2] (with centos images).
> So the current status is that our CI has been removed from most of the non
> tripleo projects (with the exception of nova/neutron/heat and ironic
> where it is only available with check experimental until we are sure its
> reliable).
> The last big move is to pull in some repositories into the upstream[3]
> gerrit so until this happens we still have to worry about some projects
> being on gerrithub (the instack based CI pulls them in from gerrithub for
> now). I'll follow up with a mail once this happens
> A lot of CI stuff still needs to be worked on (and improved) e.g.
>  o Add ceph support to the instack based job
>  o Add ha support to the instack based job
>  o Improve the logs exposed
>  o Pull out a lot of workarounds that have gone into the CI job
>  o move out some of the parts we still use in tripleo-incubator
>  o other stuff
> Please make yourself known if your interested in any of the above

As usual, a huge thanks for your effort in pushing this forward.

I've been working on getting the instack-undercloud documentation
updated with the OpenStack theme, as well as getting them updated to
match what the CI job is testing:

These docs will eventually be hosted at
when the below mentioned patch [3] merges.

There's also some set of content from the existing tripleo-incubator
documentation that is still relevant, so I think we should roll that
into tripleo-docs as well. I'll have a look at that once the repo is

> [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/205479/
> [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/185151/
> [3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/215186/

-- James Slagle

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