Keystone has, for a number of releases,  supported the concept of inherited 
role assignments via the OS-INHERIT extension. At the Keystone mid-cycle we 
agreed moving this to core this was a good target for Liberty, but this was 
held by needing the data driver testing to be in place  

Inherited roles are becoming an integral part of Keystone, especially with the 
move to hierarchal projects (which is core already) - and so moving inheritance 
to core makes a lot of sense.  At the same time as the move, we want to tidy up 
the API ( 
<>) to be more consistent with project 
hierarchies (before the old API semantics get too widely used), although we 
will continue to support the old API via the extension for a number of cycles.

I would like to request an FFE for the move of inheritance to core.

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