On 09/04/2015 12:36 PM, Ben Swartzlander wrote:
The Manila gate is finally unblocked, thanks to the efforts of Valeriy! I see patches going in now so all of the features which were granted technical FFEs should start merging IMMEDIATELY.

By my calculations, we lost approximately 30 hours of time to merge stuff before the scheduled feature freeze, so I'm going to grant about 30 hours from now, plus the weekend to get everything in.

The new deadline is Tuesday 8/8, at 1200 UTC. Everything must be merged by that time, or it will be rescheduled to Mitaka, no exceptions, no excuses (if the gate breaks again, then fix it).

Important correction: that's September 8 not August 8. My brain isn't a full strength after these last 2 days...

Those of you who weren't going to make the original deadline and were planning on asking for FFEs should consider yourself lucky. The gate getting stuck has bought you nearly 5 extra days to get your patches in order. For this reason I don't plan to grant any additional FFEs.

The following patches are on my list to get -2 if they're not merged by the deadline.


179790 - ganso - Add Share Migration feature
179791 - ganso - Share Migration support in generic driver
220278 - ganso - Add Share Migration tempest functional tests


215343 - cknight - Add DB changes for consistency-groups
215344 - cknight - Scheduler changes for consistency groups
215345 - cknight - Add Consistency Groups API
219891 - cknight - Consistency Group Support for the Generic Driver
215346 - cknight - Add functional tests for Manila consistency groups

NetApp CGs

215347 - cknight - Consistency groups in NetApp cDOT drivers

Mount Automation

201669 - vponomaryov - Add share hooks

Tempest Plugin

201955 - mkoderer - Use Tempest plugin interface

Windows SMB Driver

200154 - plucian - Add Windows SMB share driver

GlusterFS Driver

214462 - chenk - glusterfs*: factor out common parts
214921 - chenk - glusterfs/common: refactor GlusterManager
215021 - chenk - glusterfs-native: cut back on redundancy
215172 - chenk - glusterfs/layout: add layout base classes
215173 - chenk - glusterfs: volume mapped share layout
215293 - chenk - glusterfs: directory mapped share layout

-Ben Swartzlander

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