There are a few things blowing up in the last 24 hours so might as well make people aware.

1. gate-tempest-dsvm-large-ops was failing at a decent rate:

Turns out devstack was changed to run multihost=true and that doesn't work so well with the large-ops job that's creating hundreds of fake instances on a single node. We reverted the devstack change so things should be good there now.

2. gate-tempest-dsvm-cells was regressed because nova has an in-tree blacklist regex of tests that don't work with cells and renaming some of those in tempest broke the regex.

There is a patch in the gate but it's getting bounced on #3. Long-term we want to bring that blacklist regex down to 0 and instead use feature toggles in Tempest for the cells job, we just aren't there yet. Help wanted...

3. gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph is broken with glance-store 0.9.0:

It looks like the gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph-src-glance_store job was not actually testing trunk glance_store code because of a problem in the upper-constraints.txt file in the requirements repo - pip was capping glance_store at 0.8.0 in the src job so we actually haven't been testing latest glance-store. dhellmann posted a fix:

But I'm assuming glance-store 0.9.0 is still busted. I've posted a change which I think might be related:

If ^ fixes the issue we'll need to blacklist 0.9.0 from global-requirements.


As always, it's fun to hit this stuff right before the weekend, especially a long US holiday weekend. :)



Matt Riedemann

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