Hello All,

i wanted to remind the community some RFE's bugs that need

1) Add tags to Neutron resources

    RFE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1489291
    Spec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/216021/

    In terms of the RFE, i think the drivers team discussed this RFE and
decided to
    at least move on to design/spec step (The bug currently doesn't reflect
that yet)

    Regarding the spec it self, i think we had some good comments on it and
they are
    all addressed in the updated patch (link above).
    Would love to get more comments on it and start working on the
    and hopefully we can also discuss it in the summit. (There is one
dependency i am
    waiting for some work by Kevin Benton for a common Neutron object which
    the tags implementation should leverage, will of course let him extend
on it once he is ready)

2) Port forwarding

     RFE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1491317

     I have sent an email to the mailing list:


     This email describe all the past efforts to implement this feature, i
think its a valuable
     functionality and all the previous interest in it show that as well.
     Would love to move forward with this as well and start drafting a
spec, would like the
     drivers team to look at it and see if i should move forward to the
next step.

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