----- Original Message -----
> From: "王华" <wanghua.hum...@gmail.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
> <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
> Sent: Monday, 7 September, 2015 12:00:43 PM
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [keystone]how to get service_catalog
> Hi all,
> When I use a token to init a keystoneclient and try to get service_catalog by
> it, error occurs. I find that keystone doesn't return service_catalog when
> we use a token. Is there a way to get service_catalog by token? In magnum,
> we now make a trick. We init a keystoneclient with service_catalog which is
> contained in the token_info returned by keystonemiddleware in auth_ref
> parameter.
> I want a way to get service_catalog by token. Or can we init a keystoneclient
> by the token_info return by keystonemiddleware directly?
> Regards,
> Wanghua

Sort of. 

The problem you are hitting is that a token is just a string, an identifier for 
some information stored in keystone. Given a token at __init__ time the client 
doesn't try to validate this in anyway it just assumes you know what you are 
doing. You can do a variation of this though in which you use an existing token 
to fetch a new token with the same rights (the expiry etc will be the same) and 
then you will get a fresh service catalog. Using auth plugins that's the Token 
family of plugins.

However i don't _think_ that's exactly what you're looking for in magnum. What 
token are you trying to reuse? 

If it's the users token then auth_token passes down an auth plugin in the 
ENV['keystone.token_auth'] variable[1] and you can pass that to a client to 
reuse the token and service catalog. If you are loading up magnum specific auth 
then again have a look at using keystoneclient's auth plugins and reusing it 
across multiple requests.

Trying to pass around a bundle of token id and service catalog is pretty much 
exactly what an auth plugin does and you should be able to do something there. 


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