Hi Gal,

Congratulations, eventually you understand what I mean.

Yes, in bulk. But I don't think that's an enhancement to the API. The bulk
operation is more common scenario. It is more useful and covers the single
port-mapping scenario.

By the way, bulk operation may apply to a subnet, a range(IP1 to IP100) or
even all the VMs behind a router. Perhaps, we need make a choice between
them while I prefer "range". Because it's more flexible and easier to use.

Many thanks.

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 3:30 AM, Carl Baldwin <c...@ecbaldwin.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 11:59 PM, Gal Sagie <gal.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I have searched and found many past efforts to implement port forwarding
> in
> > Neutron.
> I have heard a few express a desire for this use case a few times in
> the past without gaining much traction.  Your summary here seems to
> show that this continues to come up.  I would be interested in seeing
> this move forward.
> > I have found two incomplete blueprints [1], [2] and an abandoned patch
> [3].
> >
> > There is even a project in Stackforge [4], [5] that claims
> > to implement this, but the L3 parts in it seems older then current
> master.
> I looked at this stack forge project.  It looks like files copied out
> of neutron and modified as an alternative to proposing a patch set to
> neutron.
> > I have recently came across this requirement for various use cases, one
> of
> > them is
> > providing feature compliance with Docker port-mapping feature (for
> Kuryr),
> > and saving floating
> > IP's space.
> I think both of these could be compelling use cases.
> > There has been many discussions in the past that require this feature,
> so i
> > assume
> > there is a demand to make this formal, just a small examples [6], [7],
> [8],
> > [9]
> >
> > The idea in a nutshell is to support port forwarding (TCP/UDP ports) on
> the
> > external router
> > leg from the public network to internal ports, so user can use one
> Floating
> > IP (the external
> > gateway router interface IP) and reach different internal ports
> depending on
> > the port numbers.
> > This should happen on the network node (and can also be leveraged for
> > security reasons).
> I'm sure someone will ask how this works with DVR.  It should be
> implemented so that it works with a DVR router but it will be
> implemented in the central part of the router.  Ideally, DVR and
> legacy routers work the same in this regard and a single bit of code
> will implement it for both.  If this isn't the case, I think that is a
> problem with our current code structure.
> > I think that the POC implementation in the Stackforge project shows that
> > this needs to be
> > implemented inside the L3 parts of the current reference implementation,
> it
> > will be hard
> > to maintain something like that in an external repository.
> > (I also think that the API/DB extensions should be close to the current
> L3
> > reference
> > implementation)
> Agreed.
> > I would like to renew the efforts on this feature and propose a RFE and a
> > spec for this to the
> > next release, any comments/ideas/thoughts are welcome.
> > And of course if any of the people interested or any of the people that
> > worked on this before
> > want to join the effort, you are more then welcome to join and comment.
> I have added this to the agenda for the Neutron drivers meeting.  When
> the team starts to turn its eye toward Mitaka, we'll discuss it.
> Hopefully that will be soon as I'm started to think about it already.
> I'd like to see how the API for this will look.  I don't think we'll
> need more detail that that for now.
> Carl
> > [1]
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/router-port-forwarding
> > [2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/fip-portforwarding
> > [3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/60512/
> > [4] https://github.com/stackforge/networking-portforwarding
> > [5] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/port+forwarding,n,z
> >
> > [6]
> >
> https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/75190/neutron-port-forwarding-qrouter-vms/
> > [7] http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/openstack/dev/34307
> > [8]
> >
> http://openstack.10931.n7.nabble.com/Neutron-port-forwarding-for-router-td46639.html
> > [9]
> >
> http://openstack.10931.n7.nabble.com/Neutron-port-forwarding-from-gateway-to-internal-hosts-td32410.html
> >
> >
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