sorry, false pressing ;)


On 13 September 2015 at 16:10, Sergey Kraynev <> wrote:

> Hi Sabeen,
> I think, that Pavlo described whole picture really nice.
> So I'd like just to add couple my thoughts below:
> Regards,
> Sergey.
> On 12 September 2015 at 15:08, Pavlo Shchelokovskyy <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Sabeen,
>> thank you for the effort :) More tests is always better than less, but
>> unfortunately we are limited by the power of VM and time available for
>> gate jobs. This is why we do no exhaustive functional testing of all
>> resource plugins APIs, as every time a test goes out and makes an
>> async API call to OpenStack, like create a server, it always consumes
>> time, and often consumes resources of VM that runs other tests of the
>> same test suit as well (we do run them in parallel) making other tests
>> also slower to some degree. Also, even for not-async/lightweight
>> resources (e.g. SaharaNodeGroupTemplate), testing all of them requires
>> running a corresponding OpenStack service on the gate job, which will
>> consume its resources even further.
> More over new additional services make devstack installation longer, so
> as result we have less time for running tests.
> Note, that we also should be careful during adding new tests, because as
> Pavlo mentioned, we run them in parallel. I suppose, that everyone try
> to use unique names for stacks and for internal resources or use only
> random ids, but anyway want to remind do it carefully ;)
>> Below are my thoughts and comments inline:
>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 6:46 PM, Sabeen Syed <>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi All,
>> >
>> > My coworker and I would like to start filling out some gaps in api
>> coverage
>> > that we see in the functional integration tests. We have one patch up
>> for
>> > review ( We got a comment
>> saying
>> > that any new stack creation will prolong the testing cycle. We agree
>> with
>> > that and it got us thinking about a few things -
>> this test should use the TestResource (or even RandomString if you do
>> not need to ensure a particular order of events), as there is no point
>> of using an actual server for the assertions this test makes on
>> stack/resource events.
> I personally prefer TestResource, because it's more flexible and
    probably easier for understanding/writing templates.

>> >
>> > We are planning on adding tests for the following api's: event api's,
>> > template api's, software config api's, cancel stack updates, check stack
>> > resources and show resource data. These are the api's that we saw aren't
>> > covered in our current integration tests. Please let us know if you
>> feel we
>> > need tests for these upstream, if we're missing something or if it's
>> already
>> > covered somewhere.
>> Just make sure all (ideally) of them use TestResource/RandomStrings.
>> You might still have to tweak it a bit to support a successful/failed
>> check though. There is a test for SC/SD in functional (and I actually
>> wonder what is it doing in functional but not scenario), is it not
>> enough?
>> > To conserve the creation of stacks would it make sense to add one test
>> and
>> > then under that we could call sub methods that will run tests against
>> that
>> > stack. So something like this:
>> >
>> > def _test_template_apis()
>> >
>> > def _test_softwareconfig_apis()
>> >
>> > def _test_event_apis()
>> >
>> > def test_event_template_softwareconfig_apis(self):
>> >
>> > stack_id = self.stack_create(…)
>> >
>> > self._test_template_apis(stack_id)
>> >
>> > self._test_event_apis(stack_id)
>> >
>> > self._test_softwareconfig_apis(stack_id)
>> If you use TestResource and the like, the time to create a new stack
>> for each test is not that long. And it is much better to have API
>> tests separated as actual unit tests, otherwise failure in one API
>> will fail the whole test which only leaves the developer wondering
>> "what was that?" and makes it harder to find the root cause.
>> >
>> > The current tests are divided into two folders – scenario and
>> functional. To
>> > help with organization - under the functional folder, would it make
>> sense to
>> > add an 'api' folder, 'resource' folder and 'misc folder? Here is what
>> we're
>> > thinking about where each test can be put:
>> >
>> > API folder -,
>> >
>> > Resource folder –,,
>> >,,
>> >,,
>> >,,,
>> >
>> >
>> > Misc folder -,,
>> >,,,
>> >,,,
>> >
>> >
>> > Should we add to our README? For example, I see that we use
>> TestResource as
>> > a resource in some of our tests but we don't have an explanation of how
>> to
>> > set that up. I'd also like add explanations about the pre-testhook and
>> > post-testhook file and how that works and what each line does/what test
>> it's
>> > attached to.
>> By all means :) If it flattens the learning curve for new Heat
>> contributors, it's even better.
        Agreed. More documentation and orderliness are welcome.

>> > For the tests that we're working on, should we be be adding a blueprint
>> or
>> > task somewhere to let everybody know that we're working on it so there
>> is no
>> > overlap?
>> File a bug against Heat, make it a wishlist priority, and add a tag it
>> 'functional-tests'. Assign to yourself at will :) but please check out
>> what we already have filed:
Also you may take some of assigned bugs, which have not progress long time,
     but please ask assigned person about it before.

>> > From our observations, we think it would be beneficial to add more
>> comments
>> > to the existing tests.  For example, we could have a minimum of a short
>> > blurb for each method.  Comments?
>> A (multi-line) doc string for module/test method would suffice. For
>> longer scenario tests we already do this describing a scenario the
>> test aim to pass through.
      + 1

>> > Should we add a 'high level coverage' summary in our README?  It could
>> help
>> > all of us know at a high level where we are at in terms of which
>> resources
>> > we have tests for and which api's, etc.
>> As for APIs - I believe we could use some functional test coverage
>> tool. I am not sure if there is a common thing already settled for in
>> the community though. It might be a good cross-project topic to
>> discuss during summit with Tempest community, they might already have
>> something in the works.
      + 100 % for this idea. it will be really useful for all community.

>> As for resources - we do try to exercise the native Heat ones that are
>> there to provide the functionality of Heat itself (ASGs, RGs etc), but
>> AFAIK we have no plans on deep testing all the other resources in a
>> functional way.
>> >
>> > Let us know what you all think!
>> Thanks again for bringing this up. "If it is not tested - it does not
>> works" :)
>> Best regards,
>> Dr. Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Mirantis Inc
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