Hi All,

I am Unable to run barbican CURL commands after starting/restarting
barbican using the service file.

Used below command to run  barbican service file :
(wheel)[root@controller-01 service]# systemctl restart barbican-api.service

When I tried executing the command to create the secret , I did not get any
response from the server .

(wheel)[root@controller-01 service]# ps -ef | grep barbican
barbican  1104     1  0 22:56 ?        00:00:00 /opt/barbican/bin/uwsgi
--master --emperor /etc/barbican/vassals
barbican  1105  1104  0 22:56 ?        00:00:00 /opt/barbican/bin/uwsgi
--master --emperor /etc/barbican/vassals
barbican  1106  1105  0 22:56 ?        00:00:00 /opt/barbican/bin/uwsgi
--ini barbican-api.ini
root      3195 28132  0 23:03 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto barbican

Checked the status of the barbican-api.service file and got the following
response :

(wheel)[root@controller-01 service]# systemctl status  barbican-api.service
barbican-api.service - Barbican Key Management API server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/barbican-api.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2015-09-15 22:56:12 UTC; 2min 17s ago
 Main PID: 1104 (uwsgi)
   Status: "The Emperor is governing 1 vassals"
   CGroup: /system.slice/barbican-api.service
           ├─1104 /opt/barbican/bin/uwsgi --master --emperor
           ├─1105 /opt/barbican/bin/uwsgi --master --emperor
           └─1106 /opt/barbican/bin/uwsgi --ini barbican-api.ini

*Sep 15 22:58:30 controller-01 uwsgi[1104]: APP, pipeline[-1], global_conf)*
*Sep 15 22:58:30 controller-01 uwsgi[1104]: File
"/opt/barbican/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line
458, in get_context*
*Sep 15 22:58:30 controller-01 uwsgi[1104]: section)*
*Sep 15 22:58:30 controller-01 uwsgi[1104]: File
"/opt/barbican/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line
517, in _context_from_explicit*
*Sep 15 22:58:30 controller-01 uwsgi[1104]: value =
*Sep 15 22:58:30 controller-01 uwsgi[1104]: File
"/opt/barbican/lib/python2.7/site-packages/paste/deploy/loadwsgi.py", line
22, in import_string*
*Sep 15 22:58:30 controller-01 uwsgi[1104]: return
pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse("x=" + s).load(False)*
*Sep 15 22:58:30 controller-01 uwsgi[1104]: File
"/opt/barbican/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 2265, in
*Sep 15 22:58:30 controller-01 uwsgi[1104]: raise ImportError("%r has no %r
attribute" % (entry,attr))*
*Sep 15 22:58:30 controller-01 uwsgi[1104]: ImportError: <module
'barbican.api.app' from
'/opt/barbican/lib/python2.7/site-packages/barbican/api/app.pyc'> has no
'create_main_app_v1' attribute*

Please find contents of  barbican-api. service file :

Description=Barbican Key Management API server
After=syslog.target network.target

ExecStart={{ barbican_virtualenv_path }}/bin/uwsgi --master --emperor


Even though barbican is running successfully , we are unable to run the
CURL command . Would like to know if the  "I*mportError: <module
'barbican.api.app' from
'/opt/barbican/lib/python2.7/site-packages/barbican/api/app.pyc'> has no
'create_main_app_v1' attribute" *is the cause for not being able to execute
the CURL commands.

How do we debug I*mportError: <module 'barbican.api.app' from
'/opt/barbican/lib/python2.7/site-packages/barbican/api/app.pyc'> has no
'create_main_app_v1' attribute"*
And also I think that barbican restart is not successful.

Any help would highly be appreciated .

But I am able tor run the command  "/bin/uwsgi --master --emperor
/etc/barbican/vassals" manually and was able to run the CURL commands .

*Thanks and Regards,*
*Asha Seshagiri*
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