On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Eric Harney <ehar...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 09/18/2015 03:33 PM, John Griffith wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Eric Harney <ehar...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> On 09/18/2015 01:01 PM, John Griffith wrote:
> >>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Chris Friesen <
> >> chris.frie...@windriver.com>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> On 09/18/2015 06:57 AM, Eric Harney wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> On 09/17/2015 06:06 PM, John Griffith wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Having the "global conf" settings intermixed with the backend sections
> >>>>>> caused a number of issues when we first started working on this.
> >> That's
> >>>>>> part of why we require the "self.configuration" usage all over in
> the
> >>>>>> drivers.  Each driver instantiation is it's own independent entity.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> Yes, each driver instantiation is independent, but that would still
> be
> >>>>> the case if these settings inherited values set in [DEFAULT] when
> they
> >>>>> aren't set in the backend section.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Agreed.  If I explicitly set something in the [DEFAULT] section, that
> >>>> should carry through and apply to all the backends unless overridden
> in
> >> the
> >>>> backend-specific section.
> >>>>
> >>>> Chris
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> Meh I don't know about the "have to modify the code", the config file
> >> works
> >>> you just need to add that line to your driver section and configure the
> >>> backend correctly.
> >>>
> >>
> >> My point is that there doesn't seem to be a justification for "you just
> >> need to add that line to your driver section", which seems to counter
> >> what most people's expectation would be.
> >>
> > ​There certainly is, I don't want to force the same options against all
> > backends.  Perfect example is the issues with some distros in the past
> that
> > DID use global settings and stomp over any driver; which in turn broke
> > those that weren't compatible with that conf setting even though in the
> > driver section they overrode it.​
> >
> >
> >>
> >> People can and do fail to do that, because they assume that [DEFAULT]
> >> settings are treated as defaults.
> >>
> >
> > ​Bad assumption, we should probably document this until we fix it
> (making a
> > very large assumption that we'll ever agree on how to fix it).​
> >
> >>
> >> To help people who make that assumption, yes, you have to modify the
> >> code, because the code supplies a default value that you cannot supply
> >> in the same way via config files.
> >>
> >
> > ​Or you could just fill out the config file properly:
> >     [lvm-1]
> >     iscsi_helper = lioadm
> >
> > I didn't have to modify any code.
> > ​
> >
> >
> In the use case I was describing, I'm shipping a package, as a
> distribution, with a default configuration file. The deployer (not me)
> is the only one that knows about config sections that they want for
> multi-backend. I don't think it's fair to require them to fill out
> things like iscsi_helper, because there is only one correct value for
> iscsi_helper on the platform I support, and defaulting to a different
> one is not useful.
​Ahh, ok; so back to one of the problems with OpenStack IMO, too many
options/choices.  Regardless though yes I can see where you're coming from
now.  In your case there is only one supported/correct option here so that
creates a problem.

> The fact that we don't inherit [DEFAULT] settings means that it is not
> possible for me to ship a package with the correct defaults without
> changing the hard-coded default value, in the code, to customize it for
> my platform. I want to set iscsi_helper = lioadm in a configuration file
> and have that be the default for any enabled_backend.
​Yes, now I see the case you're referring to, thanks!  This is why I tried
to grab you on IRC to make sure I actually followed what your particular
case was.​

> >>
> >>> Regardless, I see your point (but I still certainly don't agree that
> it's
> >>> "blatantly wrong").
> >>>
> >>
> >> You can substitute "very confusing" for "blatantly wrong" but I think
> >> those are about the same thing when talking about usability issues with
> >> how to configure a service.
> >>
> >
> > ​Fair enough.  Call it whatever you like.​
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Look at options like:
> >>  - strict_ssh_host_key_policy
> >>  - sio_verify_server_certificate
> >>  - driver_ssl_cert_verify
> >
> >
> >> All of these default to False, and if turned on, enable protections
> >> against MITM attacks.  All of them also fail to turn on for the relevant
> >> drivers if set in [DEFAULT].  These should, if set in DEFAULT when using
> >> multi-backend, issue a warning so the admin knows that they are not
> >> getting the intended security guarantees.  Instead, nothing happens and
> >> Cinder and the storage works.  Confusion is dangerous.
> >>
> >
> > ​Yeah, so is crappy documentation lack of understanding.​
> >
> >
> I can't make my customers read documentation and test them for
> understanding.  I can make software that's more robust and less prone to
> misuse.  Warning people with "hey, you're using multi-backend and have
> set this security-related option in a section where it will never have
> an effect in your deployment" is one way to do this that we could do today.

​I get it now; thanks.​

> >>
> >>> Bottom line "yes", ideally in the case of drivers we would check
> >>> global/default setting, and then override it if something was provided
> in
> >>> the driver specific setting, or if the driver itself set a different
> >>> default.  That seems like the right way to be doing it anyway.  I've
> >> looked
> >>> at that a bit this morning, the issue is that currently we don't even
> >> pass
> >>> any of those higher level conf settings in to the drivers init methods
> >>> anywhere.  Need to figure out how to change that, then it should be a
> >>> relatively simple fix.
> >>>
> >>
> >> What I was getting at earlier though, is that I'm not really sure there
> >> is a simple fix.  It may be simple to change the behavior to more
> >> predictable behavior, but doing that in a way that doesn't introduce
> >> upgrade problems for deployments relying on the current defaults seems
> >> difficult to me.
> >>
> > ​Agreed, but honestly I'd like to at least try.  Especially when people
> use
> > terms like "blatantly wrong" and "dangerous", kinda prompts one to think
> ​
> >
> > ​that perhaps it should be looked at.  If nothing else, we shouldn't have
> > driver settings in the DEFAULT section, we should just create a driver
> > section, but we still need to figure out how to deal with things outside
> of
> > the "general" section vs the backend stanza.
> >
> Yeah, it should be looked at, that's why I'm talking about all of this...
> Moving settings to a drivers section sounds like a good start but it
> doesn't fix the issue I'm talking about without also changing how the
> inheritance works.
​Right, the sort of thing you're talking about indeed needs more than that.
As you may have already mentioned there's a more significant change needed
to how how we parse / use config altogether.​

> > Also, I'd argue that the behavior your arguing for is MORE dangerous and
> > troublesome.  The LIO being in the global CONF was a perfect example
> where
> > it broke third party devices on a specific distro because it assumed that
> > EVERYTHING on the system was using the lio methods and in that case you
> > really couldn't do anything but modify code.
> >
> I don't really know how to parse this, I was talking about dangerous
> software behavior, I think you're talking about dangerous code changes?
> When LIO originally landed, all we had was global conf, so I'm not sure
> what you're getting at.  If the conf model was wrong for LIO, it was/is
> wrong for dozens of other driver-specific options too.
> If you're referring to https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1400804 ,
> all I can really say about that is, yeah, that kind of thing was more
> likely to happen back then..?  That seems orthogonal other than the fact
> that it's config-related code that I worked on once.
​Yes, that's one example of what I was considering in terms of the issues
with just applying globals.  Now that I understand your points a bit more
clearly I understand this isn't quite the same thing.​

> I don't really follow what I'm supposed to conclude about my current
> proposal in that context...
​Nothing at this point :)

> > I've pinged you a number of times on IRC, maybe we can chat there a bit
> > real-time and see if we can work together on a solution?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John​
> >
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