Hi John,

Thank you for these question. Such questions with answers could be a good
part of PTL proposal in the future.

Please, see my answers inline.

Ivan Kolodyazhny

On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 8:30 PM, John Griffith <john.griffi...@gmail.com>

> ​PTL nomination emails are good, but I have a few questions that I'd like
> to ask to help me in making my vote.  Some of these are covered in the
> general proposal announcements, but I'd love to hear some more detail.
> It would be awesome if the Cinder candidates could spend some time and
> answer these to help me (and maybe others) make an informed choice:
> 1. Do you actually have the time to spend to be PTL
> I don't think many people realize the time commitment. Between being on
> top of reviews and having a pretty consistent view of what's going on and
> in process; to meetings, questions on IRC, program management type stuff
> etc.

I sincerely admire if any PTL could be in TOP of reviews, commits, etc.
Cross-projects meetings and activities will take a lot of time. IRC
participation is required for every active contributor, especially for
PTLs. Talking about Cinder, we need to remember that not only Community is
involved into the project. Many vendors have their drivers and didn't
contribute to other parts of projects. Cinder PTL is also responsible for
communication and collaboration with vendors to make their drivers be
working with Cinder.

> Do you feel you'll have the ability for PTL to be your FULL Time job?
It was first question which I asked myself before a nomination.

> Don't forget you're working with folks in a community that spans multiple
> time zones.

Sure, I can't forget it because I spend time almost every night in our
#openstack-cinder channel. Talking about something more measurable, I would
like to provide only this http://stackalytics.com/report/users/e0ne report.

> 2. What are your plans to make the Cinder project as a core component
> better (no... really, what specifically and how does it make Cinder better)?
> Most candidates are representing a storage vendor naturally.  Everyone
> says "make Cinder better"; But how do you intend to balance vendor interest
> and the interest of the general project?  Where will your focus in the M
> release be?  On your vendor code or on Cinder as a whole?  Note; I'm not
> suggesting that anybody isn't doing the "right" thing here, I'm just asking
> for specifics.

My company doesn't have own driver. I don't want to talk about Block Device
Driver now. I'll be that person, who will create patch with removing after
M-2 milestone is this driver won't have CI and minimum required feature

A a Cinder user and contributor, I'm interesting in making Cinder Core more
flexible (E.g. working w/o Nova), tested (e.g. functional tests, 3rd party
CI, unit tests coverage etc) and make our users more happy with it.

> 3. ​Why do you want to be PTL for Cinder?
> Seems like a silly question, but really when you start asking that
> question the answers can be surprising and somewhat enlightening.  There's
> different motivators for people, what's yours?  By the way, "my employer
> pays me a big bonus if I win" is a perfectly acceptable answer in my
> opinion, I'd prefer honesty over anything else.  You may not get my vote,
> but you'd get respect.

OpenStack itself is very dynamic project. It makes a big progress each
release. It varies greatly from one release to another. It's a real
community-driven project. And I think that   PTLs are not dictators. PTLs
only help community to work on Cinder to make it better. Each person as a
PTL could bring something new to the community. Sometimes, "something new"
may means "something bad", but after each mistake we'll do our work better.
Being PTL helps to understand not only Cinder developer needs. It helps to
understand other OpenStack project needs. PTL should take care not only on
Cider or Nova or Heat. IMO, The main task of each PTL is to coordinate
developers of one project, other OpenStack developers and vendors to work
together on regular basis. It will be very big challenge for me I'll do my
best to make Cinder better as PTL. I'm sure, Cinder community will help our
new PTL a lot with it.

> Thanks,
> John
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