On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Serg Melikyan <smelik...@mirantis.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> concern regarding assets versioning in Community App Catalog indeed
> affects Murano because we are constantly improving our language and
> adding new features, e.g. we added ability to select existing Neutron
> network for particular application in Liberty and if user wants to use
> this feature - his application will be incompatible with Kilo. I think
> this also valid for Heat because they HOT language is also improving
> with each release.
> Thank you for proposing workaround, I think this is a good way to
> solve immediate blocker while Community App Catalog team is working on
> resolving handling versions elegantly from they side. Kirill proposed
> two changes in Murano to follow this approach that I've already +2 ed:
> * https://review.openstack.org/225251 - openstack/murano-dashboard
> * https://review.openstack.org/225249 - openstack/python-muranoclient
> Looks like corresponding commit to Community App Catalog is already
> merged [0] and our next step is to prepare new version of applications
> from openstack/murano-apps and then figure out how to publish them
> properly.

Yep, thanks, this looks like a step in the right direction to give us
some wiggle room to handle different versions of assets in the App
Catalog for the next few months.

Down the road we want to make sure that the App Catalog is not closely
tied to any other projects, or how those projects handle versions.  We
will clearly communicate our intentions around versions of assets (and
how to specify which version is desired when retrieving an asset) here
on the mailing list, during the weekly meetings, and during the weekly
cross-project meeting as well.

> P.S. I've also talked with Alexander and Kirill regarding better ways
> to handle versioning for assets in Community App Catalog and they
> shared that they are starting working on PoC using Glance Artifact
> Repository, probably they can share more details regarding this work
> here. We would be happy to work on this together given that in Liberty
> we implemented experimental support for package versioning inside the
> Murano (e.g. having two version of the same app working side-by-side)
> [1]
> References:
> [0] https://review.openstack.org/224869
> [1] 
> http://murano-specs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/specs/liberty/murano-versioning.html

Thanks, looking forward to the PoC.  We have discussed whether or not
using Glance Artifact Repository makes sense for the App Catalog and
so far the consensus has been that it is not a great fit for what we
need.  Though it brings a lot of great stuff to the table, all we
really need is a place to drop large (and small) binaries.  Swift as a
storage component is the obvious choice for that - the metadata around
the asset itself (when it was added, by whom, rating, version, etc.)
will have to live in a DB anyway.  Given that, seems like Glance is
not an obvious great fit, but like I said I'm looking forward to
hearing/seeing more on this front :)


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