Also a side question, that someone might know,

Whatever happened to the folks from rabbitmq (incorporated? pivotal?) who were going to get involved in oslo.messaging, did that ever happen; if anyone knows?

They might be a good bunch of people to review such a pika driver (since I think they as a corporation created pika?).

Dmitriy Ukhlov wrote:
Hello stackers,

I'm working on new olso.messaging RabbitMQ driver implementation which
uses pika client library instead of kombu. It related to
In this letter I want to share current results and probably get first
feedack from you.
Now code is availabe here:

Current status of this code:
- pika driver passes functional tests
- pika driver tempest smoke tests
- pika driver passes almost all tempest full tests (except 5) but it
seems that reason is not related to oslo.messaging
Also I created small devstack patch to support pika driver testing on
gate (

Next steps:
- communicate with Manish (blueprint owner)
- write spec to this blueprint
- send a review with this patch when spec and devstack patch get merged.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Dmitriy Ukhlov
Mirantis Inc.

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