Dear All

One of my students, Anton Brida, has developed an Attribute Mapping GUI
for Horizon as part of his MSc project. Attribute mappings are an
essential, though complex, part of federated Keystone. Currently they
can only be created as JSON objects in the config file. The Horizon code
allows them to be dynamically created via an easy to use GUI.

Since Anton has now left the university for full time employment, he is
not able to go through the process of submitting his code to the next
release of Horizon. His design however was submitted to InVision and
commented on by various people at the time of the development.

I am now looking for someone who would like to take a copy of this code
and go through the process of submitting this to the next release of
Horizon. I have a copy of Anton's MSc dissertation as well which
explains the work that he has done.

All the attribute mapping features are supported in Anton's code
(groups, users, direct mapping, multiple attribute values etc.)
However the whitelist/blacklist feature is not, since this was not fully
incorporated into Keystone when Anton was doing his implementation. (I
am still not sure if it has been.)

The code has a couple of known bugs:

1. when a user tries to enter an email address into an attribute value
(i.e. and saves the mapping rule into the
database, after reloading the new list of mappings rules the interface
does not work as intended. The particular reason why this is happening
is yet unknown. The only way to avoid such disruption is to delete the
faulty mapping rule from the table. After removing the faulty rule the
interface works as intended.

2. Some of the descriptive text needs improvement due to incorrect grammar.

There is also the following suggested enhancement which can be added later:

1. After the mapping rules are created with the GUI, when they are
displayed, they are still in JSON format. It would be nice to be able to
display the rules in a table or similar.

If you would like to take on the job of submitting this code to Horizon
for review and incorporation, please contact me



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