Hello everyone,

OpenStack has become quite big, and it's easier than ever to feel lost,
to feel like nothing is really happening. It's more difficult than ever
to feel part of a single community, and to celebrate little successes
and progress.

In a (small) effort to help with that, I suggested making it easier to
record little moments of joy and small success bits. Those are usually
not worth the effort of a blog post or a new mailing-list thread, but
they show that our community makes progress *every day*.

So whenever you feel like you made progress, or had a little success in
your OpenStack adventures, or have some joyful moment to share, just
throw the following message on your local IRC channel:

#success [Your message here]

The openstackstatus bot will take that and record it on this wiki page:


We'll add a few of those every week to the weekly newsletter (as part of
the developer digest that we reecently added there).

Caveats: Obviously that only works on channels where openstackstatus is
present (the official OpenStack IRC channels), and we may remove entries
that are off-topic or spam.

So... please use #success liberally and record lttle everyday OpenStack
successes. Share the joy and make the OpenStack community a happy place.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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