
There are many PROS and CONS in both of approaches.

Reinventing wheel (in this case it's quite simple task) and it gives more
flexibility and doesn't require
usage of ZK/Consul (which will simplify integration of it with current

Using ZK/Consul for POC may save a lot of time and as well we are
delegating part of work
to other communities (which may lead in better supported/working code).

By the way some of the parts (like sync of schedulers) stuck on review in
Nova project.

Basically for POC we can use anything and using ZK/Consul may reduce
resources for development
which is good.

Best regards,
Boris Pavlovic

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 12:23 AM, Clint Byrum <> wrote:

> Excerpts from Boris Pavlovic's message of 2015-10-11 00:02:39 -0700:
> > 2Everybody,
> >
> > Just curios why we need such complexity.
> >
> >
> > Let's take a look from other side:
> > 1) Information about all hosts (even in case of 100k hosts) will be less
> > then 1 GB
> > 2) Usually servers that runs scheduler service have at least 64GB RAM and
> > more on the board
> > 3) math.log(100000) < 12  (binary search per rule)
> > 4) We have less then 20 rules for scheduling
> > 5) Information about hosts is updated every 60 seconds (no updates host
> is
> > dead)
> >
> >
> > According to this information:
> > 1) We can store everything in RAM of single server
> > 2) We can use Python
> > 3) Information about hosts is temporary data and shouldn't be stored in
> > persistence storage
> >
> >
> > Simplest architecture to cover this:
> > 1) Single RPC service that has two methods: find_host(rules),
> > update_host(host, data)
> > 2) Store information about hosts  like a dict (host_name->data)
> > 3) Create for each rule binary tree and update it on each host update
> > 4) Make a algorithm that will use binary trees to find host based on
> rules
> > 5) Each service like compute node, volume node, or neutron will send
> > updates about host
> >    that they managed (cross service scheduling)
> > 6) Make a algorithm that will sync host stats in memory between different
> > schedulers
> I'm in, except I think this gets simpler with an intermediary service
> like ZK/Consul to keep track of this 1GB of data and replace the need
> for 6, and changes the implementation of 5 to "updates its record and
> signals its presence".
> What you've described is where I'd like to experiment, but I don't want
> to reinvent ZK or Consul or etcd when they already exist and do such a
> splendid job keeping observers informed of small changes in small data
> sets. You still end up with the same in-memory performance, and this is
> in line with some published white papers from Google around their use
> of Chubby, which is their ZK/Consul.
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