Flavio Percoco wrote:
> We have a draft schedule for the cross-project track for the Mitaka
> summit[0] (find it at the bottom of the etherpad). Yay!
> We would like to get feedback from folks that have proposed these
> sessions - hopefully you're all cc'd - or other folks that may be
> co-moderating them. If there are any conflicts for you in the current
> schedule, please, do let us know and we'll re-arange as possible.
> Feedback from anyone is obviously welcomed but keep in mind that this
> is a process that will hardly make everyone happy.

Based on currently-expressed constraints, we could swap sessions 3 and
26 so that mtreinish can attend 26 (and dhellmann can attend both 3 and 11).

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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