
Thanks for your info.
I like your 
option2( ☺
Any schedule for this? Looks like it isn’t started yet.


From: Renat Akhmerov []
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 2:58 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [mistral] How to call 3rd-party tools(such as 
Ansible) in Mistral

On 19 Oct 2015, at 07:53, WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T) 
<<>> wrote:

The “custom action” needs to re-install Mistral.
If the Mistral service is part of 3rd party OpenStack, it may be unacceptable 
to let every user create his own customer action. What do you think?

Yes, correct. It requires reinstall. If your goal is to give users possibility 
to create custom actions "on the fly” then it’s now impossible in Mistral for 
fundamental reasons. We can’t let users upload arbitrary Python code via API 
for security reasons. However, we have a couple of ideas that we’re going to 
explore in order to partially close this gap:

  *   Keep action code on a client-side, sort of what StackStorm does. But IMO 
we could think about automating it in a more elegant and transparent way. For 
example, we could use decorators in python code that would associate a function 
or a class with a certain workflow task. Then a workflow could call this code 
back while its running using some mechanism (i.e. some special action). In this 
case, however, we’d have to have a process handling callback requests from 
Mistral on a client side. The alternative: using HTTP Long Poll mechanism so 
that a client could claim available tasks itself.
  *   We have BP [1] that describes the idea of using so-called action 
providers. It assumes that we can register trustworthy action providers that 
could dynamically provide new actions to Mistral. I personally like this idea 
and to some extent it would solve this issue but it requires some additional 
setup which works for cases like StackStorm but doesn’t work if we want to use 
Mistral as is, as a hosted workflow service.

Anyway, whatever solution we accept it will be a trade-off and depend on a 
particular use case.

Ad-hoc actions may also work for you if, for example, we create enough base 
actions that they could be built upon. Say if most of your actions are HTTP 
based then you can just create your own library (e.g. a workbook) of ad-hoc 
actions that will be wrappers around std.http.

Also look at what StackStorm does, it may also be helpful.


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