On 10/21/2015 04:54 PM, Jay S. Bryant wrote:
> All,
> As has been our custom during previous summits, the Cinder team would
> will be getting together for dinner and drinks on Monday night (11/26)
> at the Tokyo Summit.
> Not sure where the evening will take us, but we are planning to meet by
> registration at the Convention Center.  Looking at the map, if I am
> reading it properly, in front of the Huawei Community Lounge on the
> first floor looks like a good place to meet that is right near
> registration.  So, lets go for that.  :-)
> We will be meeting at 7:30pm and then decide where we want to go from
> there.
> Look forward to seeing those who can make it!
> Jay
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Do you need a list of folks or just wander by and go from there?

Looking forward to seeing Cinder folk at summit!

Thanks Jay,

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