>From an operations point of view I'd also prefer all service to service
calls to go through the internalURL is there a reason it's not default?
On Oct 24, 2015 7:56 AM, "Attila Szlovencsak" <att...@componentsoft.eu>

> Hi!
> I am using Openstack Kilo (2015.1.1)
> As I learned from the code, heat-engine uses the endpoint-type "publicURL",
> when validating templates. I also see that I can override that from
> heat.conf via [clients_XXX]/endpoint_type.
> heat/engine/clients/os/nova.py
> ================================
>     def _create(self):
>         endpoint_type = self._get_client_option('nova', 'endpoint_type')
>         management_url = self.url_for(service_type='compute',
>                                       endpoint_type=endpoint_type)
> /heat/common/config.py
> =====================================
> # these options define baseline defaults that apply to all clients
> default_clients_opts = [
>     cfg.StrOpt('endpoint_type',
>                default='publicURL',
> ============
> My questions:
> 1. Shouldn't we use the  interalURL instead as default?  In a typical case,
> the controller node sits behind a load-balancer, and IP for the publicURLs
> are held by the load-balancer. The controller node (so heat-engine) might
> not have access to the publicURL at all.
> 2. Instead of creating and "endpoint_type" entry in heat.conf for each and
> every service,  is there a simpler way to force using the internalURL?
> Thanks in advance,
> Attila
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