I would like to see that we just need to maintain a common 
template_utils.py/template_format.py in heat client side.
But I still find some difference between client and server.

The option max_template_size only exists on server side, how do you handle with 
that if using the same function name ‘parse’?

> On Oct 23, 2015, at 07:13, Steve Baker <sba...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 23/10/15 08:49, Jay Dobies wrote:
>> I'm working on moving the functionality for merging environments from the 
>> client into the server [1]. I've only superficially looked at 
>> template_utils.py (in heatclient) but I'm guessing there is stuff in there I 
>> will want to use server-side.
>> The server has a requirement on heatclient, but I'm not sure what the 
>> convention is for using code in it. Can I directly call into a module in 
>> heatclient/common from the server or is the client dependency only intended 
>> to be used through the client-facing APIs?
>> [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/multi-environments
> heat server already depends on heatclient, which was done so that some 
> template parsing could live in heatclient and be shared by both (this isn't 
> finished, and anyone who wants to pick it up is welcome to)
> So yes, this would be a valid case for heat calling heatclient functions.
> As an aside, it would be preferable if heatclient can somehow discover that 
> it is interacting with a multi-env aware REST API, and fallback to local 
> merging as appropriate.
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