
Sorry for delayed response. Let's continue inline.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Vladimir Kuklin <vkuk...@mirantis.com>

>>  Each task can use some code to transform this output to the
>> representation that is actually needed for this particular task. Whenever a
>> task transforms this data it can access API and do version negotiation, for
>> example. Each time this transformation is performed this task can return
>> the data to some storage that will save this data for sake of control and
>> troubleshooting, such as, for example, user can always see which changes
>> are going to be applied and decide what to do next.
>> Also, this means that the process of data calculation itself is very
>> 'lazy' or 'delayed', i. e. the data itself is calculated right at the
>> beginning of deployment transaction, so that it is not locked to some
>> particular details of deployment engine data processing and not prone to
>> issues like 'oh, I cannot get VIP because it has not been allocated yet by
>> Nailgun/oh, I cannot set it because it has already been set by Nailgun and
>> there is no way to alter it'.
> >> To me, the two paragraphs above a contradictory. If the data
> calculations are lazy, I don't really see how one can introspect into
> changes that will be applied by a component at any given run. You just >>
> don't have this information, and you need to calculate it anyways to see
> which settings will be passed to a component. Might be I got your point
> wrong here. Please correct me if this is the case.
> Oleg, I actually meant that we do it in the following stages:
> 1) Change stuff in any amount of business logic engines you want,
> configuration databases, wikipedia, 4chan, etc.

Every business logic provider is a 'component' with it's own 'view' in the
proposed notation. Component has full control over 'authoritative' settings
in its view. In case of components that serve as sources of configuration,
it is likely that most all of settings in their views will be

> 2) Schedule a transaction of deployment
> 3) Make 'transformers/serializers' for each of the task collect all the
> data and store them before execution is started

The idea of configuration provisioning system is to strictly define all
sources of changes to settings and automate recalculation. Recalculation
should happen every time any setting is changed, and must 'touch' all
connected components. Otherwise we'll stuck with situations similar to
described in this bug [1].

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1450100

4) Allow user to compare differences and decide whether he actually wants
> to apply this change
> 5) Commit the deployment - run particular tasks with particular set of
> settings which are staged and frozen (otherwise it will be impossible to
>  debug this stuff)

Versioning and persistent storage of views should be useful to solve this.

> 6) If there is lack of data for some task, e.g. you need some entitties to
> be created during the deployment so that other task will use their output
> or side-effects to calculate things - this task should not be executed
> within this transaction. This means that the whole deployment should be
> splitted into 2 transactions. I can mention an old story here - when we
> were running puppet we needed to create some stuff for neutron knowing ID
> of the network that had been created by another resource 5 seconds earlier.
> But we could not do this because puppet 'freezes' the input provided with
> "facts" before this transaction runs. This is exactly the same usecase.

Ideally, every task should be a separate component with its own view, and
should update their authoritative values upon execution.

> So these 6 items actually mean:
> 1) Clear separation between layers of the system and their functional
> boundaries
> 2) Minimum of cross-dependencies between component data - e.g. deployment
> tasks should not ever produce anything that is then stored in the storage.

This contradicts requirement to control and track the state and inputs of
components, isn't it? If deployment task does produce some parameters that
are used by another component, it should be stored and versioned just as
any other change to the state of configuration.

> Instead, you should have an API that provides you with data which is the
> result of deployment run. E.g. if you need to create a user in LDAP and you
> need this user's ID for some reason, your deployment task should create
> this user and, instead of returning this output to the storage, you just
> run another transaction and the task that requires this ID fetches it from

It seems to me that here you're mixing responsibilities of orchestrator and
settings store. Orchestrator tells a component when to start, and it could
ask poll the settings store to determine if certain task has to be started.
Alternatively, the component itself might be notified by settings store
about changes and make decision for itself whether it should execute
something on such a change or not.

Settings store proposed shall provide API that must support:

1. CRUD configuration schema (view template) and dynamically create/update
2. CRUD views based on registered templates for the component (ideally
there should be 1 to 1 template/component relation)
3. automatic resolution and update of links between certain parameters
defined in templates
4. notification of components about changes in their respective views
triggered by external links

Best regards,
Oleg Gelbukh

> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Dmitriy Shulyak <dshul...@mirantis.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Oleg,
>> I want to mention that we are using similar approach for deployment
>> engine, the difference is that we are working not with components, but with
>> deployment objects (it could be resources or tasks).
>> Right now all the data should be provided by user, but we are going to
>> add concept of managed resource, so that resource will be able to request
>> data from 3rd party service before execution, or by notification, if it is
>> supported.
>> I think this is similar to what Vladimir describes.
>> As for the components - i see how it can be useful, for example
>> provisioning service will require data from networking service, but i think
>> nailgun can act as router for such cases.
>> This way we will keep components simple and purely functional, and
>> nailgun will perform a role of a client which knows how to build
>> interaction between components.
>> So, as a summary i think this is 2 different problems.
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> Yours Faithfully,
> Vladimir Kuklin,
> Fuel Library Tech Lead,
> Mirantis, Inc.
> +7 (495) 640-49-04
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> Skype kuklinvv
> 35bk3, Vorontsovskaya Str.
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> vkuk...@mirantis.com
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