Howdy folks,

This week the oslo team will be offering a one time deal that everyone
will be interested in!

We will be offering 100% off on documentation changes during this
week's documentation (*virtual*) sprint[1].

Starting this Thursday and Friday we will (as a group/team) be
accepting all natural organic reviews made by local craftspersons with
minimial delivery (and review) time. We would like to see you there
(in #openstack-oslo and/or #openstack-sprint channel) if you are
willing and able to attend this 'once' in a 'lifetime' event.

In other words, *virtual* documentation sprint, this Thursday and
Friday; we as the oslo team will be focusing on documentation so
if you are capable and want to help make the oslo docs better
(more examples, more tweaks, better docstrings...) please feel
free to attend.

Last time[2] we merged around 88 reviews, let's see if we can do
better this time!

See you then,

Joshua Harlow


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