Hi all,I am working on the blueprint [1]. As per my understanding, we have two 
resources/objects in mesos+marathon:1)Apps: combination of instances/containers 
running on multiple hosts representing a service.[2]2)Application Groups: Group 
of apps, for example we can have database application group which consists 
mongoDB app and MySQL App.[3]So I think we need to have two resources 'apps' 
and 'appgroups' in mesos conductor like we have pod and rc for k8s. And 
regarding 'magnum container' command, we can create, delete and retrieve 
container details as part of mesos app itself(container =  app with 1 
instance). Though I think in mesos case 'magnum app-create ..."  and 'magnum 
container-create ...' will use the same REST API for both cases. Let me know 
your opinion/comments on this and correct me if I am 
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