JJ Asghar wrote:
> I've been seeing some interesting regressions in our community
> recently. Our IRC meetings, or at least the ones I've been attending,
> are extremely variable in quality. I believe this is a disservice to
> our community as a whole, so I've offered to help.
> I've written up a blog post[1] on some general characteristics of IRC
> meetings that seem to come out with the most fruitful conversations.
> I hope everyone finds something useful from this post, and hopefully
> will help educate new comers to our community in some good working
> practices.
> I'd love to talk about this more, so please don't hesitate to reach out.
> [1]:
> http://jjasghar.github.io/blog/2015/11/18/characteristics-of-a-successful-chatroom-meeting/

Thanks for posting this. I could see that morph into a more complete
chapter about IRC in the project team guide:


Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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