On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 12:35 AM, Jim Rollenhagen <j...@jimrollenhagen.com>

> > My preference is 4) no mid-cycle -- and try to work more effectively with
> > people in different locations and time zones.
> ++ that was part of my thought process when I proposed not having an
> official midcycle.

Thanks for that.

> Another idea I floated last week was to do a virtual midcycle of sorts.
> Treat it like a normal midcycle in that everyone tells their management
> "I'm out for 3-4 days for the midcycle", but they don't travel anywhere.
> We come up with an agenda, see if there's any planning/syncing work to
> do, or if it's all just hacking on code/reviews.
> Then we can set up some hangouts (or similar) to get people in the same
> "room" working on things. Time zones will get weird, but we tend to
> split into smaller groups at the midcycle anyway; this is just more
> timezone-aligned. We can also find windows where time zones overlap when
> we want to go across those boundaries. Disclaimer: people may need to
> work some weird hours to do this well.
> I think this might get a little bit bumpy, but if it goes relatively
> well we can try to improve on it for the future. Worst case, it's a
> total failure and is roughly equivalent to the "no midcycle" option.

I'm happy to give it a try. Thanks for exploring new options jroll!
Michael Davies   mich...@the-davies.net
Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia
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