given John's reply, i think we should start a new thread? apologies for hijacking log thread.

On 23/11/2015 5:01 AM, Alexis Lee wrote:
gord chung said on Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 01:32:02PM -0500:
On 20/11/15 11:33 AM, Alexis Lee wrote:
why would a producer spit out non-useful datapoints? If no-one cares
or will ever care, it simply shouldn't be included.
... right now the
producer is just sending out a grab bag of data that it thinks is
important but doesn't define who the audience is. ...

... whoever the producer of notifications is, it should know it's
Here I, with cdent, have to disagree. The criterion has to be
"potentially useful to someone", rather than tailoring production to the
known audience.

so i'm not suggesting producers need to know the entire audience or for it to be tailored to a single consumer. i do think whatever we put out as a notification should have at least one potential recipient in mind (see: useful data to someone [not a hypothetical]). i'm all for flexibility and multiple/any consumers, but right now, to be honest, our notification criteria seems to be similar to "that guy outside your local mall yelling stuff and hoping he makes a convert."

this is just me trying to view it from another approach -- trying to vet our current process :)

The problem is knowing what each consumer thinks is interesting and that
isn't something that can be handled by the producer.
^ this is important.

the notification consumption service in ceilometer is essentially
just a pipeline that normalises select incoming notifications into a
data model(s) and pushes that model to whoever wants it (a known
consumer is the storage service but it's configurable to allow other
It sounds like Ceilometer is performing a mapping function then and has
to be responsible for knowing how to do that. IE Ceilometer has to
express an opinion on relevance and presentation. This is inevitably
going to be a pain in the butt to maintain, but it's Ceilometer's job,
not the services, since it's Ceilometer trying to express an opinion.
fair enough, i'm just re-raising common feedback i receive when projects want to add metrics for ceilometer to collect: 'why do i need to edit ceilometer, it's my data.' so there is obviously a divide in the community as to whose responsibility it is for maintaining the data.


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