Thanks Sean for the nice recap, helps folks who couldn't attend the summit.

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 2:53 AM, Sean McGinnis <> wrote:

> Cinder Mitaka Design Summit Summary
> Will the Real Block Storage Service Please Stand Up
> ===================================================
> Should Cinder be usable outside of a full OpenStack environment.
> There are several solutions out there for providing a Software
> Defined Storage service with plugins for various backends. Most
> of the functionality used for these is already done by Cinder.
> So the question is, should Cinder try to be that ubiquitous SDS
> interface?
> The concern is that Cinder should either try to address this
> broader use case or be left behind. Especially since there is
> already a lot of overlap in functionality, and end users already
> asking about it.
> Some concern about doing this is whether it will be a distraction
> from our core purpose - to be a solid and useful service for
> providing block storage in an OpenStack cloud.
> On the other hand, some folks have played around with doing this
> already and found there really are only a few key issues with
> being able to use Cinder without something like Keystone. Based on
> this, it was decided we will spend some time looking into doing
> this, but at a lower priority than our core work.
> Availability Zones in Cinder
> ============================
> Recently it was highlighted that there are issues between AZs
> used in Cinder versus AZs used in Nova. When Cinder was originally
> branched out of the Nova code base we picked up the concept of
> Availability Zones, but the ideas was never fully implemented and
> isn't exactly what some expect it to be in its current state.
> Speaking with some of the operators in the room, there were two
> main desires for AZ interaction with Nova - either the AZ specified
> in Nova needs to match one to one with the AZ in Cinder, or there
> is no connection between the two and the Nova AZ doesn't matter on
> the Cinder side.
> There is currently a workaround in Cinder. If the config file
> value for allow_availability_zone_fallback is set to True, if a
> request for a new volume comes in with a Nova AZ not present, the
> default Cinder AZ will be used instead.
> A few options for improving AZ support were suggested. At least for
> those present, the current "dirty fix" workaround is sufficient. If
> further input makes it clear that this is not enough, we can look
> in to one of the proposed alternatives to address those needs.
> API Microversions
> =================
> Some projects, particularly Nova and Manila, have already started
> work on supporting API microversions. We plan on leveraging their
> work to add support in Cinder. Scott D'Angelo has done some work
> porting that framework from Manila into a spec and proof of concept
> in Cinder.
> API microversions would allow us to make breaking API changes while
> still providing backward compatibility to clients that expect the
> existing behavior. It may also allow us to remove functionality
> more easily.
> We still want to be restrictive about modifying the API. Just
> because this will make it slightly easier to do, it still has
> an ongoing maintenance cost, and slightly a higher one at that,
> that we will want to limit as much as possible.
> A great explanation of the microversions concept was written up by
> Sean Dague here:
> Experimental APIs
> =================
> Building on the work with microversions, we would use that to expose
> experimental APIs and make it explicit that they are experimental
> only and could be removed at any time, without the normal window
> provided with deprecating other features.
> Although there were certainly some very valid concerns raised about
> doing this, and whether it would be useful or not, general consensus
> was that it would be good to support it.
> After further discussion, it was pointed out that there really isn't
> anything in the works that needs this right now, so it may be delayed.
> The issue there being that if we wait to do it, when we actually do
> need to use it for something it won't be ready to go.
> Cinder Nova Interaction
> =======================
> Great joint session with some of the Nova folks. Talked through some
> of the issues we've had with the interaction between Nova and Cinder
> and areas where we need to improve it.
> Some of the decisions were:
> - Working on support for multiattach. Will delay encryption support
>   until non-encrypted issues get worked out.
> - Rootwrap issues with the use of os-brick. Priv-sep sounds like it
>   is the better answer. Will need to wait for that to mature before
>   we can switch away from rootwrap though.
> - API handling changes. A lot of cases where an API call is made and
>   it is assumed to succeed. Will use event notifications to report
>   results back to Nova. Requires changes on both sides.
> - Specs will be submitted for coordinated handling for extending
>   volumes.
> - Volume related Nova bugs were highlighted. Cinder team will try to
>   help triage and resolve some of those.
> Volume Manager Locks
> ====================
> Covered in cross-project discussion on DLM. Will use tooz as an
> abstraction layer. Default will use local locks, so no change for
> those that don't need it, but ability to plug in DLMs like
> zookeeper, etc., for those that need the DLM functionlity.
> C-Vol Active/Active HA
> ======================
> Discussed the desire to be able to run the c-vol service in an a/a
> configuration. It can kind of be done now with things like pacemaker,
> but there are definite issues and is considered risky. The desire
> is to build in support to Cinder to be able to run A/A, but we don't
> want to impose heavy requirements on operators running smaller
> deployments or deployments that do not require A/A.
> Based on the DLM discussion, we should be able to support this based
> on end user configuration. If appropriate locking is in place within
> the Cinder code and using the tooz locking abstraction, on single
> node installations it will just work without extra overhead. If A/A
> is desired, configuring tooz to use a distributed locking mechanism
> will provide locking across nodes without changes to the code.
> ABC Work
> ========
> General agreement that our inheritance model is currently a mess
> and needs to be cleaned up. Need to work through it. Either collapse
> all into a common, simpler, driver base or make our inhertance model
> usable. Report capbilities rather than discover via inheritance?
> Cinder Driver Interface
> =======================
> This is a common area of confusion for new driver developers and we
> have even found that folks involved with the project for some time
> weren't always clear on what was expected for each call. This is an
> attempt to capture those details more clearly without needing to
> trace through all of the code to understand the basics.
> Eric has started documenting our driver requirements and is making
> great progress. This should also help to have a better reference as
> we work through the ABC and inheritance cleanup.
> Driver Deadlines
> ================
> General consensus that past restrictions were a good attempt to bring
> some order and focus to work during the cycle, but there were too
> many different deadlines to keep track of and it didn't really solve
> all our problems as well as we had hoped.
> Based on the discussion, deadlines for the Mitaka cycle have been
> adjusted. See the mailing list post for full details:
> Working Session Sprints
> =======================
> We spent the day Friday working through a long list of various topics to
> discuss. Some of the highlights from the discussion are:
> - Consistency group replication. We are looking in to what this would look
>   like now, though there was a lot of concern about adding on top of basic
>   replication before we at least have a few drivers implementing it. This
>   spec should be used for awareness for the current drivers looking at
>   replication support to make sure they are ready for the next step.
> - We have consistency groups, but some arrays support concepts such as
>   replication groups or even arbitrary grouping of volumes. No changes
>   planned at this point, but some ideas being floated around for having a
>   more generic volume grouping to support other scenarios.
> - Snapshot backup. We support backing up volumes, but we don't support
>   backing up snapshots currently. A spec is in the works to make this a
>   supported option.
> - Config file setting inheritance. To make it clear what settings are
>   inherited by later sections and what are not, considering adding a new
>   section to clearly break out what should apply to everything and what
>   should be specific to each section.
> - We discussed if there was any functionality to pull in to the set of
>   minimum required features. Nothing was selected at this time. We may
>   add some after all current drivers have more functionality that can
>   be considered de facto minimum features.
> - We need functional tests. Some work has started, but help is needed to
>   expand this. Could be a big win for ensuring better test coverage.
> - Ongoing work for conversion to objects and RPC versioning. It was
>   agreed this is something we want and it should be completed. This will
>   allow rolling upgrades. We plan to support only N-1 upgrades.
> - Call out for attention to the LVM driver. Anyone who would like to
>   help maintain it - help would be welcome.
> Priorities for Mitaka
> =====================
> - Active/Active High Availability
> - Rolling upgrade support
> - API Microversions
> - Functional testing
> - Completion of replication
> For the first time, all Design Summit sessions were live streamed and
> recorded for later playback. All sessions are available on the
> openstack-cinder YouTube channel:
> A big thank you to Walter Boring for making this possible.
> And a big thanks to all contributors in making this a successful design
> summit!
> Sean (smcginnis)
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