On Tue, 2016-01-12 at 12:52 +0100, Jiri Tomasek wrote:
> On 01/11/2016 04:51 PM, Dan Prince wrote:
> > Background info:
> > 
> > We've got a problem in TripleO at the moment where many of our
> > workflows can be driven by the command line only. This causes some
> > problems for those trying to build a UI around the workflows in
> > that
> > they have to duplicate deployment logic in potentially multiple
> > places.
> > There are specs up for review which outline how we might solve this
> > problem by building what is called TripleO API [1].
> > 
> > Late last year I began experimenting with an OpenStack service
> > called
> > Mistral which contains a generic workflow API. Mistral supports
> > defining workflows in YAML and then creating, managing, and
> > executing
> > them via an OpenStack API. Initially the effort was focused around
> > the
> > idea of creating a workflow in Mistral which could supplant our
> > "baremetal introspection" workflow which currently lives in python-
> > tripleoclient. I create a video presentation which outlines this
> > effort
> > [2]. This particular workflow seemed to fit nicely within the
> > Mistral
> > tooling.
> > 
> > ----
> > 
> > More recently I've turned my attention to what it might look like
> > if we
> > were to use Mistral as a replacement for the TripleO API entirely.
> > This
> > brings forth the question of would TripleO be better off building
> > out
> > its own API... or would relying on existing OpenStack APIs be a
> > better
> > solution?
> > 
> > Some things I like about the Mistral solution:
> > 
> > - The API already exists and is generic.
> > 
> > - Mistral already supports interacting with many of the OpenStack
> > API's
> > we require [3]. Integration with keystone is baked in. Adding
> > support
> > for new clients seems straightforward (I've had no issues in adding
> > support for ironic, inspector, and swift actions).
> > 
> > - Mistral actions are pluggable. We could fairly easily wrap some
> > of
> > our more complex workflows (perhaps those that aren't easy to
> > replicate
> > with pure YAML workflows) by creating our own TripleO Mistral
> > actions.
> > This approach would be similar to creating a custom Heat
> > resource...
> > something we have avoided with Heat in TripleO but I think it is
> > perhaps more reasonable with Mistral and would allow us to again
> > build
> > out our YAML workflows to drive things. This might allow us to
> > build
> > off some of the tripleo-common consolidation that is already
> > underway
> > ...
> > 
> > - We could achieve a "stable API" by simply maintaining input
> > parameters for workflows in a stable manner. Or perhaps workflows
> > get
> > versioned like a normal API would be as well.
> > 
> > - The purist part of me likes Mistral quite a bit. It fits nicely
> > with
> > the deploy OpenStack with OpenStack. I sort of feel like if we have
> > to
> > build our own API in TripleO part of this vision has failed and
> > could
> > even be seen as a massive technical debt which would likely be hard
> > to
> > build a community around outside of TripleO.
> > 
> > - Some of the proposed validations could perhaps be implemented as
> > new
> > Mistral actions as well. I'm not convinced we require TripleO API
> > just
> > to support a validations mechanism yet. Perhaps validations seem
> > hard
> > because we are simply trying to do them in the wrong places anyway?
> > (like for example perhaps we should validate network connectivity
> > at
> > inspection time rather than during provisioning).
> > 
> > - Power users might find a workflow built around a Mistral API more
> > easy to interact with and expand upon. Perhaps this ends up being
> > something that gets submitted as a patchset back to the TripleO
> > that we
> > accept into our upstream "stock" workflow sets.
> > 
> > ----
> > 
> > Last week we landed the last patches [4] to our undercloud to
> > enable
> > installing Mistral by simply setting: enable_mistral = true in
> > undercloud.conf. NOTE: you'll need to be using a recent trunk repo
> > from
> > Delorean so that you have the recently added Mistral packages for
> > this
> > to work. Although the feature is disable by default this should
> > enable
> > those wishing to tinker with Mistral as a new TripleO undercloud
> > service an easy path forwards.
> > 
> > [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/230432
> > [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnAT37O-sdw
> > [3] http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/mistral/tree/mistral/ac
> > tion
> > s/openstack/mapping.json
> > [4] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-undercloud-workflow
> > 
> > 
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> Hi, I have a few questions:
> Is Mistral action able to access/manipulate local files? E.g. access
> the 
> templates installed at undercloud's 
> /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates?

Yes. I'm actually working some prototype Mistral actions for tripleo-
common which will do just this to dovetail into a deployment workflow.
(I had to take care of a few heatclient things first though).

> I Mistral action able to call either OpenStack service python client
> or 
> OpenStack service API directly?

The Mistral actions themselves would be written in Python. So I think
the answer here is yes... we could easily make use of existing
OpenStack python clients, or go at the API's ourselves.

> What is the response from the Mistral action in the workflow? Lets
> say 
> we'd use Mistral to get a list of available environments (we do this
> in 
> tripleo-common now) So we call Mistral API to trigger a workflow
> that 
> has single action which gets the list of environments. Is mistral
> able 
> to provide this list as a response, or it is able just to trigger a 
> workflow?

Yes, the response from individual actions is quite flexible and can
really be just about anything we want so long at it is serializable I

Probably best to look directly at the Mistral action base class for the
best answer here I think though:


The action result could then be processed by YAQL in a Mistral workflow
and then used in subsequent workflow items or treated as an output to
the workflow itself.

> In similar manner, is Mistral able to provide a way to get workflow
> in 
> progress data? E.g. We have a Mistral workflow for nodes
> introspection. 
> This workflow contains several actions calling to ironic and 
> ironic-inspector apis. GUI calls Mistral API to trigger the workflow
> and 
> now it needs to have a way to track the progress of that workflow.
> How 
> would this be achieved? 

I've been running 'mistral execution-list' and then you can watch
(poll) for the relevant execution items to finish running. Sure,
polling isn't great but I'd say lets start with this perhaps.

> I think forcing GUI to poll the APIs that are 
> called in the actions and try to implement logic that estimates what 
> state the workflow is to report about it is not a valid solution. We 
> need the workflow API (Mistral) to provide a lets say web sockets 
> connection and push the status of actions along with relevant data,
> so 
> GUI can listen to those.

I don't think Mistral has a websockets implementation. I think Zaqar
does though, and I think perhaps one way we could go about this sort of
notification might be to integrate our workflows with a Zaqar queue or
something. GUI would listen to a Zaqar queue for example... and the
workflow (as it executes) would post things to a specific queue.
Perhaps this is opt-in, only if a Zaqar queue is provided to a given
workflow. FWIW, integrating Mistral w/ Zaqar actions would likely be
quite easy.

Alternately we could look at what it would take to add websocket
support to Mistral directly.

> I am about to implement your nodes workflow in the GUI to test how it
> works.
> Jirka
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