On 01/30/2016 07:02 PM, Henry Nash wrote:
> Hi
> One of the things the keystone team was planning to merge ahead of 
> milestone-3 of Mitaka, was “projects acting as a domain”. Up until now, 
> domains in keystone have been stored totally separately from projects, even 
> though all projects must be owned by a domain (even tenants created via the 
> keystone v2 APIs will be owned by a domain, in this case the ‘default’ 
> domain). All projects in a project hierarchy are always owned by the same 
> domain. Keystone supports a number of duplicate concepts (e.g. domain 
> assignments, domain tokens) similar to their project equivalents.
> <snip>
> I’ve got a couple of questions about the impact of the above:
> 1) I already know that if we do exactly as described above, the cinder gets 
> confused with how it does quotas today - since suddenly there is a new parent 
> to what it thought was a top level project (and the permission rules it 
> encodes requires the caller to be cloud admin, or admin of the root project 
> of a hierarchy).

These problems are there because our nested quotas code is really buggy
right now. Once Keystone merges a fix allowing non-admin users to fetch
his own project hierarchy - we should be able to fix it.

> 2) I’m not sure of the state of nova quotas - and whether it would suffer a 
> similar problem?

As far as I know Nova haven't had merged nested quotas code and will not
do that in Mitaka due to feature freeze.

> 3) Will Horizon get confused by this at all?
> Depending on the answers to the above, we can go in a couple of directions. 
> The cinder issues looks easy to fix (having had a quick look at the code) - 
> and if that was the only issue, then that may be fine. If we think there may 
> be problems in multiple services, we could, for Mitaka, still create the 
> projects acting as domains, but not set the parent_id of the current top 
> level projects to point at the new project acting as a domain - that way 
> those projects acting as domains remain isolated from the hierarchy for now 
> (and essentially invisible to any calling service). Then as part of Newton we 
> can provide patches to those services that need changing, and then wire up 
> the projects acting as a domain to their children.
> Interested in feedback to the questions above.

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