Le 12/02/2016 15:12, Ian Cordasco a écrit :
Just to interject here, RFC 2616 is the one you're talking about. That
encoding requirement was dropped when HTTP/1.1 was updated in the
7230-7235 RFCs. (...)
Where VCHAR is any visible US ASCII character. So while UTF-8 is still
a bad idea for the header value (and in fact, http.client on Python 3
will auto-encode headers to Latin 1) Latin 1 is no longer the

For those interested, you can read up on headers in HTTP/1.1 here:

Oh thanks, it looks like my HTTP skills are rusty :-)

For Swift, it's maybe better to always try to use UTF-8, but fallback to Latin1 if an HTTP cannot be decoded from UTF-8. Swift has many clients implemented in various programming languages, I'm not sure that all clients use UTF-8.

By the way, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/237027/ was merged, cool.

I fixed the third patch mentioned in my previous email to support arbitrary byte strings for hash prefix and suffix in the configuration file:

I also updated my HTTP parser patch for Python 3. With these two patches, test_utils now pass on Python 3.

For me, it's a nice milestone to have test_utils working on Python 3. It allows to port more interesting stuff and start the real portage work ;-)


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