On 02/17/2016 05:05 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> Excerpts from Tony Breeds's message of 2016-02-18 08:04:00 +1100:
>> I think we're in a tough spot.
>> My $0.02 is that we have to cap at <0.18.0 however ....
>> We're (the openstack community) finding issues with eventlet which is good
>> (painful I agree, but good) for both communities.  However we *are* trying to
>> lock down our release, and test/gate failures are very unwelcome in this
>> phase.
>> 0.18.2 was "mostly" good but shows the following bug:
>>   https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1544801
>> The eventlet team have been very responsive to our issue reports.  I'm 
>> worried
>> if we cap at 0.18.2 (or 0.17.4) the underlying problems will go undressed and
>> unnoticed for too long and then we'll all loose :(  Not least of all because
>> it's *very* likely if we cap this we'll release with the cap which means 
>> we're
>> basically stuck with it for the whole life-cycle of mitaka[1][2]
> The current plan is to not cap, but exclude the bad versions. The patch
> to do that (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/281479/) does set the
> constraint to 0.18.2, so if we need to change that please drop a comment
> on the review.
>> Calls for "extra vetting" of new eventlet releases are slightly problematic,
>> and really require a short cross-project team to verify, as the "Yup is 
>> passes
>> dsvm-tempest-full" doesn't cut it.
> Can we construct a better automated test scenario?

Question. Are we only tripping this up in unit tests because the tests
are doing things we'd never really do in real life?

For instance, the nova bug was because someone decided to test the
eventlet wsgi server with a sample app with a custom written eventlet
http client that was doing raw socket reads naively. Which was never a
good idea. The fix: use requests as our http client. Life was fine.

I think it's fine if we're going to want some better tests for bumping
upper-constraints.txt, even if it's tests we only run for certain touchy
packages like eventlet. However we should make sure it wasn't just our
tests being kind of bonkers.


Sean Dague

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