On 2/22/16, 10:13 AM, "Jeff Peeler" <jpee...@redhat.com> wrote:

>On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Steven Dake (stdake) <std...@cisco.com>
>> The issue isn't about reviewing patches in my opinion.  Obviously people
>> shouldn't jam patches through the review queue that they know will be
>> counter-productive to the majority view of the core reviewers.  If they
>> they can easily be reverted by 3 different core reviewers.  Our core
>> reviewers are adults and don't behave in this way.  I have seen a couple
>> patches "jammed through" and not reverted, from multiple companies
>> then just one company and it just made everyone angry.  I think folks
>> learned from that and tend not to "jan through contentious changes"
>> it is time critical (as in breaking gate, or busted master, or milestone
>> deadline).
>> The issue is around policy setting.  The PTL should NOT be a dictator
>> set policy on their own whim.  The way we set policy in Kolla (and I
>> in other OpenStack projects) is by formal majority vote.  For example,
>> policy we have set is that we permit third party proprietary distros and
>> plugins to interact and even be a part of our Dockerfile.j2 if someone
>> up to maintain them.  NB our specs directory are actually policy
>> rather then hard policies.  That is why spec's require a majority vote
>> approve.
>> Folks that have responded on this thread thus far have seem to missed
>> policy point and focused on the reviewing of patches.
>I think the reason people are so focused on reviewing patches is
>because that is the "core" job of a core reviewer. I feel like the
>Kolla project votes a lot more on policy than other projects (I'm
>including IRC and during formal gatherings), so that may be why policy
>is not at the forefront of the discussion.
>> All that said, I hear what your saying regarding motivation.  The
>> discussion was about protecting the project from a lack of diversity in
>> core reviewer team which could potentially lead to majority-rules by one
>> corporate affiliation on policy matters.  What would be an ideal
>>outcome in
>> my opinion is to keep motivation intact but meet the diversity
>> set forth in the governance repository to avoid a majority-rules by one
>> corporate affiliation situation.  There are two ways to do this that I
>> think of:
>> Add core reviewers that aren't quite there yet, but close to meet the
>> diversity requirements
>(Label: solution #1)
>Perhaps instead of this a specific group such as the drivers team (or
>bugs, whatever) can be allowed to vote on policy. This role change
>would widen the pool of available candidates while not adding people
>prematurely to core status.
>> Or
>> Limit core reviewers
>As stated in another thread, this policy wouldn't be acceptable for
>some smaller projects with limited diversity.
>> Or
>> Another simple solution is to permit a a veto vote from any core
>> within the 1 week voting window if a majority (or some other value,
>>such as
>> 35%) from one corporate affiliation votes yes on a policy decision.
>> could be gamed, but at least does not permit policy changes by one
>> affiliation.  With our current core review team, that means 3 people
>> vote from RHT (out of the 4 core reviewers) before triggering the veto
>(Label: solution #2)
>This sounds like to me prevention of "jamming through" which I'm not
>sure is necessary, but I do like this option best of those presented
>by Steve. Some policies simply aren't that significant, but others
>are. I think this is why it's important to bring major policy
>decisions to the mailing list. It gives people time to really think
>about their opinions/facts and broadens the scope of the discussion.
>> Or
>> Permit a veto vote on policy changes (I really don't like this option,
>>as it
>> gives too much "power" to one individual over the project policy)
>> I'd like to hear what other core reviewers as well as Kolla developers
>> to say about the matter.
>> As a final note, I am very very (!) anti-process.  A project should only
>> have as much process as it needs to succeed.  Many/most projects(not
>> OpenStack, but other projects) go overboard on process.  Process just
>> creates needless complication, so I am also not hot on setting a bunch
>> policies (which require process to execute).  The main problem with
>> is it creates too many rules for people to make sure they are compliant
>> with.  This slows the system down, and the system should be fast,
>> and agile.
>> When I open discussion on a policy change, its not like I do it for my
>> health - its because I see a serious issue coming down the road.  In
>> case I don't know precisely how to correct this particular problem,
>>which is
>> why we are having this discussion.  I'd prefer if folks focus on what
>>we can
>> do to fix it, rather then saying "no lets not do anything".
>Although you mentioned you didn't want the PTL to serve as a dictator,
>I think that having the PTL resolve unresolvable disputes is a good
>solution to any problems due to lack of diversity. Assuming the first
>two labeled solutions didn't work, it's a decent fallback.

The PTL has several tools in their toolbox to resolve disputes.  Typically
I get most of them resolved without a vote.

The last tool available to clear logjams is a mailing list vote.  I don't
want the votes to be meaningless if they are game-able.


>On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Steven Dake (stdake) <std...@cisco.com>
>> From: Eric LEMOINE <elemo...@mirantis.com>
>> Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
>> <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
>> Date: Monday, February 22, 2016 at 1:13 AM
>> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
>> <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] discussion about core reviewer
>> limitations by company
>> Le 20 févr. 2016 18:12, "Steven Dake (stdake)" <std...@cisco.com> a
>>écrit :
>>> Hey folks,
>>> Mirantis has been developing a big footprint in the core review team,
>>> Red Hat already has a big footprint in the core review team.  These
>>>are all
>>> good things, but I want to avoid in the future a situation in which one
>>> company has a majority of core reviewers.  Since core reviewers set
>>> for the project, the project could be harmed if one company has such a
>>> majority.  This is one reason why project diversity is so important
>>>and has
>>> its own special snowflake tag in the governance repository.
>>> I'd like your thoughts on how to best handle this situation, before I
>>> trigger  a vote we can all agree on.
>>> I was thinking of something simple like:
>>> "1 company may not have more then 33% of core reviewers.  At the
>>> conclusion of PTL elections, the current cycle's 6 months of reviews
>>> completed will be used as a metric to select the core reviewers from
>>> particular company if the core review team has shrunk as a result of
>>> of core reviewers during the cycle."
>>> Thoughts, comments, questions, concerns, etc?
>> I think that introducing this policy would not be fair and would even be
>> counter-productive. For example, my motivation would be low if I knew I
>> couldn't be accepted as a core reviewer because my company already has
>> many" core reviewers.  So this policy would close the doors to
>> who could potentially be great contributors to the success of the
>> If anything, a policy where "2 people from the same company should not
>> approve a third person from that same company's patch" (as stated by Sam
>> Yaple) would sound more acceptable to me.
>> Eric,
>> Life isn't fair :(  That said, thank you for your feedback.  We
>> don't want to demotivate people as we balance the core reviewer team
>> time.
>> The issue isn't about reviewing patches in my opinion.  Obviously people
>> shouldn't jam patches through the review queue that they know will be
>> counter-productive to the majority view of the core reviewers.  If they
>> they can easily be reverted by 3 different core reviewers.  Our core
>> reviewers are adults and don't behave in this way.  I have seen a couple
>> patches "jammed through" and not reverted, from multiple companies
>> then just one company and it just made everyone angry.  I think folks
>> learned from that and tend not to "jan through contentious changes"
>> it is time critical (as in breaking gate, or busted master, or milestone
>> deadline).
>> The issue is around policy setting.  The PTL should NOT be a dictator
>> set policy on their own whim.  The way we set policy in Kolla (and I
>> in other OpenStack projects) is by formal majority vote.  For example,
>> policy we have set is that we permit third party proprietary distros and
>> plugins to interact and even be a part of our Dockerfile.j2 if someone
>> up to maintain them.  NB our specs directory are actually policy
>> rather then hard policies.  That is why spec's require a majority vote
>> approve.
>> Folks that have responded on this thread thus far have seem to missed
>> policy point and focused on the reviewing of patches.
>> All that said, I hear what your saying regarding motivation.  The
>> discussion was about protecting the project from a lack of diversity in
>> core reviewer team which could potentially lead to majority-rules by one
>> corporate affiliation on policy matters.  What would be an ideal
>>outcome in
>> my opinion is to keep motivation intact but meet the diversity
>> set forth in the governance repository to avoid a majority-rules by one
>> corporate affiliation situation.  There are two ways to do this that I
>> think of:
>> Add core reviewers that aren't quite there yet, but close to meet the
>> diversity requirements
>> Or
>> Limit core reviewers
>> Or
>> Another simple solution is to permit a a veto vote from any core
>> within the 1 week voting window if a majority (or some other value,
>>such as
>> 35%) from one corporate affiliation votes yes on a policy decision.
>> could be gamed, but at least does not permit policy changes by one
>> affiliation.  With our current core review team, that means 3 people
>> vote from RHT (out of the 4 core reviewers) before triggering the veto
>> Or
>> Permit a veto vote on policy changes (I really don't like this option,
>>as it
>> gives too much "power" to one individual over the project policy)
>> I'd like to hear what other core reviewers as well as Kolla developers
>> to say about the matter.
>> As a final note, I am very very (!) anti-process.  A project should only
>> have as much process as it needs to succeed.  Many/most projects(not
>> OpenStack, but other projects) go overboard on process.  Process just
>> creates needless complication, so I am also not hot on setting a bunch
>> policies (which require process to execute).  The main problem with
>> is it creates too many rules for people to make sure they are compliant
>> with.  This slows the system down, and the system should be fast,
>> and agile.
>> When I open discussion on a policy change, its not like I do it for my
>> health - its because I see a serious issue coming down the road.  In
>> case I don't know precisely how to correct this particular problem,
>>which is
>> why we are having this discussion.  I'd prefer if folks focus on what
>>we can
>> do to fix it, rather then saying "no lets not do anything".
>> Regards
>> -steve
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