Hi Alex,

So it's looking to me like my problem was being caused by openstack-ansible 
trying to set up aodh although I didn't configure it and didn't want to use it. 
In ceilometer.conf I found that in the [database] section the metering and 
event connections were correctly looking for mongodb at the IP I set as my bind 
IP, but it was also adding an alarm connection looking for an aodh user in the 
database at localhost. This was causing the ceilometer API to time out 
repeatedly looking for the connection that didn't exist. I don't have any aodh 
configuration set up in /etc/openstack_deploy, so should that line not have 
been put into my ceilometer.conf?

From: Alex Cantu [mailto:miguel.ca...@rackspace.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 4:48 PM
To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] [openstack-ansible] OpenStack-Ansible 
Ceilometer Configuration


The mongodb host can be anywhere, so long as it can reached by the ceilometer 
containers (on the same network).

What branch are you working from? Master and Liberty should have no problems as 
far as I'm aware. There is a bug open in regards to authentication with swift, 
but everything else should work fine.

Feel free to send over your ceilometer-api, ceilometer-notification-agent, and 
ceilometer-pollster logs on a pastebin that way I can take a look.


From: Potter, Nathaniel 
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 4:17 PM
To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
Subject: [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] [openstack-ansible] OpenStack-Ansible 
Ceilometer Configuration

Hi everyone,

I've been working on setting up a 10 node OpenStack installation with 
ceilometer using openstack-ansible, but the way I've configured it isn't 
working for me. I've tried following these instructions 
 doing these steps -

-        I set up MongoDB on the metering-infra_host, making the bind_ip the 
br-mgmt IP of that host and creating the ceilometer user.

-        In /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/ceilometer.yml I have a compute host 
under metering-compute_hosts and the infra host that I configured MongoDB on in 
my metering-infra_hosts.

-        I also set the ceilometer_db_ip in user_variables to be equal to the 
bind_ip set on the infra host.

Running the ceilometer installation playbook is successful, but when I log into 
the utility container and try to run ceilometer meter-list it times out and 
says 'Service Unavailable (HTTP 503)'.

Does anyone see anywhere that I went wrong in these steps, should bind-ip be 
set to something else, or should I be configuring this database on the compute 
host rather than the infra? The documentation wasn't entirely clear on that 


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