Another tricky situation..

Given that changes to Docker were the cause of the first two backports I'd 
consider those to not be exceptions, but necessary adaptations that Kolla has 
to deal with.  Unfortunately, this case seems more like an exception.  But, I'm 
not opposed to a necessary exception since we planned to deliver on it, but ran 
out of time. +1 to the backport. We definitely need it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Dake (stdake)" <>
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 1:15:10 PM
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla][vote] exception for backporting upgrades 
to liberty/stable

Exceptions can always be rationalized which is one reason exceptions are evil 
among many. The facts however speak for themselves. If we don't have a way to 
introduce new content in liberty when CVEs are fixed, stable/liberty is just as 
flawed as the data loss problem which was the original trigger for the 
backporting of the playbooks in the first place to introduce named volumes. 

As a result, I am +1 to 1.1.0 backport. 

I am –1 to a 1.2.0 because back to back releases are a pain in the ass to 
manage and offer little value. 1.1.1 without upgrades would be flawed just as 
1.1.0 is today. 


From: Steven Dake < > 
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" < > 
Date: Monday, March 7, 2016 at 8:03 AM 
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" < > 
Subject: [openstack-dev] [kolla][vote] exception for backporting upgrades to 

Hi folks, 

It was never really discussed if we would back-port upgrades to liberty. This 
came up during an irc conversation Friday [1], and a vote was requested. Tthe 
facts of the discussion distilled are: 

    * We never agreed as a group to do back-port of upgrade during our 
back-port discussion 
    * An operator that can't upgrade her Z version of Kolla (1.1.1 from 1.1.0) 
is stuck without CVE or OSSA corrections. 
    * Because of a lack of security upgrades, the individual responsible for 
executing the back-port would abandon the work (but not tuse the abaondon 
feature for of gerrit for changes already in the queue) 
Since we never agreed, in that IRC discussion a vote was requested, and I am 
administering the vote. The vote request was specifically should we have a 
back-port of upgrade in 1.1.0. Both parties agreed they would live with the 

I would like to point out that not porting upgrades means that the liberty 
branch would essentially become abandoned unless some other brave soul takes up 
a backport. I would also like to point out that that is yet another exception 
much like thin-containers back-port which was accepted. See how exceptions 
become the way to the dark side. We really need to stay exception free going 
forward (in Mitaka and later) as much as possible to prevent expectations that 
we will make exceptions when none should be made. 

Please vote +1 (backport) or –1 (don’t backport). An abstain in this case is 
the same as voting –1, so please vote either way. I will leave the voting open 
for 1 week until April 14th. If there I a majority in favor, I will close 
voting early. We currently require 6 votes for majority as our core team 
consists of 11 people. 



Warning [1] was a pretty heated argument and there may have been some swearing 


"Should we back-port upgrades 

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