On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 12:58 PM, Derek Higgins <der...@redhat.com> wrote:
> We discussed this at today's meeting but never really came to a
> conclusion except to say most people wanted to try it. The main
> objection brought up was that we shouldn't go dropping the nonha job,
> that isn't what I was proposing so let me rephrase here and see if we
> can gather +/-1's
> I'm proposing we redeploy our testenvs with more RAM allocated per
> env, specifically we would go from
> 5G undercloud and 4G overcloud nodes to
> 6G undercloud and 5G overcloud nodes to


> In addition to accommodate this we would reduce the number of env's
> available from 48 (the actually number varies from time to time) to 36
> (3 envs per host)
> No changes would be happening on the jobs we actually run


> The assumption is that with the increased resources we would hit less
> false negative test results and as a result recheck jobs less (so the
> 25% reduction in capacity wouldn't hit us as hard as it might seem),
> we also may not be able to easily undo this if it doesn't work out as
> once we start merging things that use the extra RAM it will be hard to
> go back.

The CPU load is also very high. When I have been looking at jobs that
appear stuck, it takes almost 3 minutes just to do a nova list
sometimes. So I think 1 less testenv on each host will help that as

-- James Slagle

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