
as discussed in the last (two) Sahara meetings, I'm working on moving the 
Tempest API tests from the Tempest repository to the new sahara-tests 
repository, which contains only (non-tempest) scenario tests and it's 
branchless as well.
The move is a natural consequence of the Tempest focus on the "core six" 
(removing the burden of additional reviews from core Tempest), and of the 
existence of the Tempest Plugin interface.

So far, nothing new. The difference from that past is that I'd like to keep the 
history of the imported code.

I've the feeling that there is a bit of resistance to the idea of importing the 
history, but talking around it seems that it is feasible. It requires few 
additional steps, which I'm going to describe here for the posterity and to 
gather feedback, and which I'm going to execute in the next days if there are 
no blocking concerns.

== Extract tempest/api/data_processing from Tempest and filter it
Easy with git-split (https://github.com/ajdruff/git-splits, thanks Evgeny 
Sikachev) and a bit of cleanup (removal of the first empty commit with `git 
rebase -i --root`). This code should then be merged in a detached branch of 
sahara-tests (created with `git checkout --orphan <branch>`).
-> See a preview here: 

== Push the sanitized history to a detached branch of sahara-tests
It's really two substeps:

= Temporarily exclude a specific branch from the CI 
Change to openstack-infra/project-config and openstack/sahara-ci-config
-> Requires reviews from infra and Sahara cores

= Merge the content of the imported, detached branch to sahara-tests
Ninja-approval of all the commits of the imported branch (38 commits). Without 
tests and use of tools like gertty it can be fast.
-> It will require the help of a (patient) Sahara core, but I think I could 
volunteer some of them :)

== Merge the imported branch into sahara-tests master
Again, two substeps:

= Change the ACLs for sahara-tests to allow a merge commit
-> Requires review from infra (project-config, gerrit/acls)

= Push the merge commit of the imported branch to sahara-tests master to gerrit
Preview available here: 
-> Requires normal review from Sahara cores.

== Adapt the imported code to use the Tempest Plugin interface
Preview available here: 
-> Requires normal review from Sahara cores.

== Undo all the temporarily hacks introduced before
-> Requires normal review from Sahara cores.

I hope that it could be useful.


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