On 24-Mar-16 20:26, Sergey Kraynev wrote:
> Zane, I like you idea. As example we may discuss some steps for it
> during summit session (if it need).
> Also I have another question, which probably came in your heads a lot
of times:
> Can we somekind improve our existing approach for validation?
> we do validation twice - before create and during it.
> The one issue, which I also see is:
> first validation is a synchronous operation, and It takes a lot of
> time, for huge stacks. May be we need to make separate state like
> validation for stacks ? and maybe it also allows to solve our current
> issue with build-in functions ?

I too had the same question since long time. I was thinking about two
possible solutions:

(1) Like you said, as of now the stack validation happens before the
response is given to user. This is not feasible for bigger stacks; the
RPC timesout before the stack template is even validated. I think we
should take the request and respond immediately with a stack-id and then
proceed with template validation and stack creation. If the template is
not correct, the stack creation or update fails with template invalid
error. I have been looking for this since long time, but could never work
on it.

(2) Giving freedom to user to skip the validation, if they are sure
about the template, they might want to skip the validation [1].

[1]  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/182924/

-- Anant

> On 23 March 2016 at 23:11, Zane Bitter <zbit...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 23/03/16 13:14, Steven Hardy wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm looking for some help and additional input on this bug:
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/1559807
>> Hmm, I was wondering how this ever worked, but it appears you're making
>> particularly aggressive use of the list_join and map_merge Functions
there -
>> where you're not only getting the elements in the list of things to merge
>> (as presumably originally envisioned) but actually getting the list
>> from an intrinsic function. If we're going to support that then those
>> functions need to handle the fact that the input argument may be
None, just
>> as they do for the list members (see the ensure_string() and ensure_map()
>> functions inside the result() methods of those two Functions).
>>> Basically, we have multiple issues due to the fact that we consider
>>> get_attr to resolve to None at any point before a resource is actually
>>> instantiated.
>>> It's due to this:
>>> This then causes problems during validation of several intrinsic
>>> functions,
>>> because if they reference get_attr, they have to contain hacks and
>>> special-cases to work around the validate-time None value (or, as
>>> in the bug, fail to validate when all would be fine at runtime).
>>> I started digging into fixes, and there are probably a few possible
>>> approaches, e.g setting stack.Stack.strict_validate always to False, or
>>> reworking the intrinsic function validation to always work with the
>>> temporary None value.
>>> However, it's a more widespread issue than just validation - this
>>> any action which happens before the actual stack gets created, so things
>>> like preview updates are also broken, e.g consider this:
>>> resources:
>>>    random:
>>>      type: OS::Heat::RandomString
>>>    config:
>>>      type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
>>>      properties:
>>>        group: script
>>>        config:
>>>          foo: {get_attr: [random, value]}
>>>    deployment:
>>>      type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
>>>      properties:
>>>        config:
>>>          get_resource: config
>>>        server: "dummy"
>>> On update, nothing is replaced, but if you do e.g:
>>>    heat stack-update -x --dry-run
>>> You see this:
>>> | replaced  | config        | OS::Heat::StructuredConfig     |
>>> Which occurs due to the false comparison between the current value of
>>> "random" and the None value we get from get_attr in the temporary stack
>>> used for preview comparison:
>>> after_props.get(key) returns None, which makes us falsely declare the
>>> "config" resource gets replaced :(
>>> I'm looking for ideas on how we solve this - it's clearly a major issue
>>> which completely invalidates the results of validate and preview
>>> operations
>>> in many cases.
>> I've been thinking about this (for about 2 years).
>> My first thought (it seemed like a good idea at the time, 2 years
ago, for
>> some reason) was for Function objects themselves to take on the types of
>> their return values, so e.g. a Function returning a list would have a
>> __getitem__ method and generally act like a list. Don't try this at home,
>> BTW, it doesn't work.
>> I now think the right answer is to return some placeholder object
(but not
>> None). Then the validating code can detect the placeholder and do some
>> checks. e.g. we would be able to say that the placeholder for
>> on a Cinder volume would have type 'cinder.volume' and any property
with a
>> custom constraint would check that type to see if it matches (and
fall back
>> to accepting any text type if the placeholder doesn't have a type
>> associated). get_param would get its type from the parameter schema
>> (including any custom constraints). For get_attr we could make it part of
>> the attribute schema.
>> The hard part obviously would be getting this to work with deeply-nested
>> trees of data and across nested stacks. We could probably get the
easy parts
>> going and incrementally improve from there though. Worst case we just
>> None and get the same behaviour as now.
>> cheers,
>> Zane.
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