On 03/29/2016 08:30 PM, John Trowbridge wrote:
> Hola,
> With the approval of the tripleo-quickstart spec[1], it is time to
> actually start doing the work. The first work item is moving it to the
> openstack git. The spec talks about moving it as is, and this would
> still be fine.
> However, there are roles in the tripleo-quickstart tree that are not
> directly related to the instack-virt-setup replacement aspect that is
> approved in the spec (image building, deployment). I think these should
> be split into their own ansible-role-* repos, so that they can be
> consumed using ansible-galaxy. It would actually even make sense to do
> that with the libvirt role responsible for setting up the virtual
> environment. The tripleo-quickstart would then be just an integration
> layer making consuming these roles for virtual deployments easy.
> This way if someone wanted to make a different role for say OVB
> deployments, it would be easy to use the other roles on top of a
> differently provisioned undercloud.
> Similarly, if we wanted to adopt ansible to drive tripleo-ci, it would
> be very easy to only consume the roles that make sense for the tripleo
> cloud.
> So the first question is, should we split the roles out of
> tripleo-quickstart?
> If so, should we do that before importing it to the openstack git?
> Also, should the split out roles also be on the openstack git?
> Maybe this all deserves its own spec and we tackle it after completing
> all of the work for the first spec. I put this on the meeting agenda for
> today, but we didn't get to it.
> - trown

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