This is a heads up that the keystone team will be releasing
python-keystoneclient 3.0.0 soon ( ), it will be the first client
release of the Newton cycle.

This is a major version upgrade because and may affect other development
teams, as we are removing the following:
  - bundled CLI *will not be included* - use openstackclient instead
  - the package "keystoneclient.openstack.common.apiclient" has also been
removed, use keystoneauth instead.

Several fixes went into devstack to address the CLI removal, and several
client were upgraded last release to address the second issue.

We have been emitting deprecation messages for both of these functions for
more than two releases, and voiced this on the mailing list (


Steve Martinelli
OpenStack Keystone Project Team Lead
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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