On 21/04/16 13:40 -0400, Doug Hellmann wrote:
Excerpts from Thierry Carrez's message of 2016-04-21 18:22:53 +0200:
Michael Krotscheck wrote:
> So, HPE is seeking sponsors to continue the core party. The reasons are
> varied - internal sponsors have moved to other projects, the Big Tent
> has drastically increased the # of cores, and the upcoming summit format
> change creates quite a bit of uncertainty on everything surrounding the
> summit.
> Furthermore, the existence of the Core party has been... contentious.
> Some believe it's exclusionary, others think it's inappropriate, yet
> others think it's a good way to thank those of use who agree to be
> constantly pestered for code reviews.
> I'm writing this message for two reasons - mostly, to kick off a
> discussion on whether the party is worthwhile. Secondly, to signal to
> other organizations that this promotional opportunity is available.
> Personally, I appreciate being thanked for my work. I do not necessarily
> need to be thanked in this fashion, however as the past venues have been
> far more subdued than the Tuesday night events (think cocktail party),
> it's a welcome mid-week respite for this overwhelmed little introvert. I
> don't want to see it go, but I will understand if it does.
> Some numbers, for those who like them (Thanks to Mark Atwood for
> providing them):
> Total repos: 1010
> Total approvers: 1085
> Repos for official teams: 566
> OpenStack repo approvers: 717
> Repos under release management: 90
> Managed release repo approvers: 281

I think it's inappropriate because it gives a wrong incentive to become
a core reviewer. Core reviewing should just be a duty you sign up to,
not necessarily a way to get into a cool party. It was also a bit
exclusive of other types of contributions.

Apparently in Austin the group was reduced to only release:managed
repositories. This tag is to describe which repositories the release
team is comfortable handling. I think it's inappropriate to reuse it to
single out a subgroup of cool folks, and if that became a tradition the
release team would face pressure from repositories to get the tag that
are totally unrelated to what the tag describes.

I didn't realize the tag was being used that way. I agree it's completely
inappropriate, and I wish someone had asked.

So.. while I understand the need for calmer parties during the week, I
think the general trends is to have less parties and more small group
dinners. I would be fine with HPE sponsoring more project team dinners
instead :)

That fits my vision of the new event, which is less focused on big
glitzy events and more on small socializing opportunities.


to all the above! I just wanted to agree with this and I don't have much else to


Flavio Percoco

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