
First of all, I wanted to thank again to all the participants in the fruitful 
Aodh-Vitrage design session in Austin :)

I wanted to show in this email, the problem that we have when creating 2 event 
alarms with the same name.
Here is what I got in the command line:

stack@ubuntu-devstack:/etc/vitrage$ ceilometer alarm-list                       
| Alarm ID | Name | State | Severity | Enabled | Continuous | Alarm condition | 
Time constraints |

stack@ubuntu-devstack:/etc/vitrage$ ceilometer alarm-event-create --name 'Event 
Alarm 2' --state alarm --event-type 'my.event'
| Property                  | Value                                |
| alarm_actions             | []                                   |
| alarm_id                  | 96f11384-abd7-4c11-b0a5-678646c11e79 |
| description               | Alarm when my.event event occurred.  |
| enabled                   | True                                 |
| event_type                | my.event                             |
| insufficient_data_actions | []                                   |
| name                      | Event Alarm 2                        |
| ok_actions                | []                                   |
| project_id                | bec13d47c22e45a9948981f5cb1ba45b     |
| query                     | []                                   |
| repeat_actions            | False                                |
| severity                  | low                                  |
| state                     | alarm                                |
| type                      | event                                |
| user_id                   | d8812494489546aca8341af184eddd2c     |

stack@ubuntu-devstack:/etc/vitrage$ ceilometer alarm-list
| Alarm ID                             | Name          | State | Severity | 
Enabled | Continuous | Alarm condition      | Time constraints |
| 96f11384-abd7-4c11-b0a5-678646c11e79 | Event Alarm 2 | alarm | low      | 
True    | False      | query: []            | None             |
|                                      |               |       |          |     
    |            | event_type: my.event |                  |

stack@ubuntu-devstack:/etc/vitrage$ ceilometer alarm-event-create --name 'Event 
Alarm 2' --state alarm --event-type 'my.event'
Alarm with name='Event Alarm 2' exists (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: 

Do you think it is possible to drop the uniqueness of the alarm name in Aodh 
(for the Vitrage use cases that we talked about in the design session)?

Best regards,
Alexey Weyl

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