On 05/05/2016 05:54 PM, Dolph Mathews wrote:
My understanding from the summit session was that we should have a specific role defined in keystone's policy.json here:


Which grants access to nothing in keystone beyond that check. So, the new rule could be revised to something as generic as:

"identity:get_project": "rule:admin_required or project_id:%(target.project.id <http://target.project.id>)s or role:identity_get_project",

Where the new role name I appended at the end exactly matches the policy rule name.
Would we expect the have the implied rule that Member implies identity_get_project?

However, unlike the summit discussion, which specified only providing access to HEAD /v3/projects/{project_id}, keystone's usage of policy unfortunately wraps both HEAD and GET with the same policy check.

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 3:05 PM Augustina Ragwitz <aragwitz.li...@pobox.com <mailto:aragwitz.li...@pobox.com>> wrote:

    I'm currently working on the spec for Project ID Validation in Nova
    using Keystone. The outcome of the Design Summit Session was that the
    Nova service user would use the Keystone policy to establish
    whether the
    requester had access to the project at all to verify the id. I was
    wondering if there were any code examples of a non-Keystone service
    using the Keystone policy in this way?

    Also if I misunderstood something, please feel free to correct me
    or to

    Here is the etherpad from the session:
    And here is the current spec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/294337

    Augustina Ragwitz
    Sr Systems Software Engineer, HPE Cloud
    Hewlett Packard Enterprise
    irc: auggy

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