Hello everyone,

I am using ansible for some time now, and I think the current default Ansible 
inventory system is lacking a few features, at least when working on an 
OpenStack cloud - whether it's for its deployment, its support or its usage.
I'm thinking of developing a new inventory, based on (openstack-)ansible 

I started an etherpad [1], listing what I personnally expect from a proper 
ansible inventory system for OpenStack. Therefore, if you worked on 
ansible/inventory systems before, I'd be happy to have a return of your 
experience. So if you think about features you like/dislike in the way ansible 
fits your workflow for OpenStack, please write it down on the etherpad! (or 
vote for the things you really like).

I think all the results from this etherpad could be either used for ansible 
upstream or for the openstack-ansible project, so that's why I'm spamming here. 
Thank for your help!

Best regards,

Jean-Philippe Evrard

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-ansible-inventory-ideas
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