From: imocha <>

How to list all the servers owned by the user across projects. I tried to create token scoped to a project and able to list the servers on that project using the compute end point http://localhost:8774/v2.1/servers

However, I wanted to get all the list of servers for all the projects a user created. Initially I wanted to change the policy.json under nova but could not get it working. The rule in the policy is:
"isadmin:True or projectid:%(project_id)s"

is there a way to get all the servers for the user in the domain by modifying the above rule.

Also, how to access the attributes of the token passed. I looked at the content of the token in the token table in keystone database. If you look at the token "extra" field, it is a json file containing the token details. Can we access this token information from the Policy.json so that we can write appropriate rule to evaluate?

I tried to use the syntax like "" but does not work.

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