Le 22/06/2016 à 10:49, Thomas Goirand a écrit :
Do you think it looks like possible to have Nova ported to Py3 during
the Newton cycle?

It doesn't depend on me: I'm sending patches, and then I have to wait for reviews. The question is more how to accelerate reviews.

Right now, I'm splitting the great work made by dims during the previous cycle, 2 giant patches for nova, into smaller patches which should be easier to review.

When I will have enough changes, I will try to create to taskforce to review these changes. I don't expect that nova core reviewers have enough time to review all these changes. It would prefer to have a first review step made by contributors interested by Python 3.

My current Python 3 patches for nova:


dims patches:

* (1/2) https://review.openstack.org/262083
* (2/2) https://review.openstack.org/261045


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