Hi Tony, Thanks for your response, and no worries! We can live with
the kilo-eol tag, no need to try to delete it. And as you suggested,
we can add a second eol tag when we actually EoL this branch.

As regards reviving the deleted branches, would a bug have to be
created somewhere to track this, or is this already on the radar of
the infra team (thanks in advance if it already is)?


On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 4:17 PM, Tony Breeds <t...@bakeyournoodle.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 11:20:12AM -0700, Sumit Naiksatam wrote:
>> Hi, I had earlier requested in this thread that the stable/kilo branch
>> for the following repos be not deleted:
>> > openstack/group-based-policy
>> > openstack/group-based-policy-automation
>> > openstack/group-based-policy-ui
>> > openstack/python-group-based-policy-client
>> and the request was ack’ed by Tony (also in this thread). However, I
>> just noticed that these branches have been deleted. Can this deletion
>> please be reversed?
> Firstly I appologise.  I clearly gave Josh the wrong list of repos, which
> included the repos above.
> I'm sure we can re-create the branch from the SHA and that *should* allow
> development to continue hhowever due to the ditributed nature of gut deleteing
> the tag is "hard".  What this means in practise is that when you do decide to
> dop the kilo branch you'll end up with a kilo-eol-for-real-this-time :) or
> similar tag.
> Again I'm sorry fo the mistake.
> Yours Tony.
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